MegaPirateNG / FlashTool

Firmware flashing tool
GNU General Public License v2.0
15 stars 14 forks source link

Fehler bei der Aktualisierung, bitte später erneut versuchen #26

Closed manfred59 closed 9 years ago

manfred59 commented 9 years ago

Wird das wieder gefixt? Würde gerne mit Flashtool meinen Crius wieder zum Leben erwecken ;))

goial commented 9 years ago

Ich wollte eben von 3.0.1 auf 3.1.5 wechseln.. Eeprom clear -> flashtool starten -> server offline :( und es ist so schones wetter!!! :((( hätte mal erst gucken sollen ob das flashtool funktioniert :O

@SirAlex Can you look at the Server if there is something wrong? I think it is the Issue with Port 8888, I would compile the FlashTool without the Portnumber, but I have 0,7mbit download speed, so the download of QT is a weekend task ;)

smurfy commented 9 years ago

@goial it makes no sense compiling the flashtool without said portnumber :) while the update.xml maybe available on port 80 too, the buildserver itself is not. it's a separate server running via node js on said port 8888.

goial commented 9 years ago

ok, that make sense :) The FlashTool is so comfortable to use.. Do you know whats the Problem is? Server Crash or not enough money? I'd like to help if i can :)

SirAlex commented 9 years ago

Flashtool must work now.

@smurfy Did you know how to start "forever" server (node js) when server startups? Looks like server sometime rebooting (powering issue), and I must login to it and manually start scripts.

SirAlex commented 9 years ago

@smurfy Nevermind, followed this guide , now it will start automatically.

goial commented 9 years ago

@SirAlex Thank You it works fine!!!! You are the best! :))))