Megafunk / MassSample

My understanding of Unreal Engine 5's experimental ECS plugin with a small sample project.
MIT License
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Mass Actor spawning not working in other projects #49

Open Bizes opened 1 year ago

Bizes commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am currently exploring the MassSample project and I have to say great job getting everything set up as it is.

I am currently struggling a bit to get Actors to spawn in the MassSpawner. In the Sample project provided, I can spawn Actors in the MassSpawner as expected. However, I tried to do the same in my own project but nothing happens when I start the level.

I created a MassSpawner and added the EnityConfig with an Actor added and Env Query but when I start the game no Actors are spawned. I am also not getting any error messages. It works with Entities though. Did I miss something that has to be enabled/ added for the MassSpawner to work with Actors too? (There is not much documentation so I can't really look stuff up)

I am quite new to the Mass system and apologize if I overlooked something obvious.

I would appreciate all the help.

Megafunk commented 1 year ago

It's possible the actor is missing a mass agent component... That's my first guess but I haven't really done a lot of agent stuff yet.