Megapixel99 / nodejs-k8s

Attempt to recreate the core functionality of v1.29.1 Kubernetes in NodeJS, whle being fully compatible with the kubectl CLI
MIT License
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Configure tests / Begin set up for all K8 resources #4

Closed Megapixel99 closed 1 month ago

Megapixel99 commented 1 month ago

Per #1 the tests from kubetest2 are running, but they currently get stuck at the end of the initialization phase with the error:

  [FAILED] Error waiting for all pods to be running and ready: Told to stop trying after 0.010s.
  Unexpected final error while getting *pod.state: listing replication controllers in namespace kube-system: 
  In [SynchronizedBeforeSuite] at:

I suspect there is supposed to be an additional message, but, none seems to appear...

In the meantime, I figure I can work on getting the rest of the resources ready, then come back to looking into that error (which will hopefully speed up testing once the error is fixed) which I started to do on this branch before realizing it should probably be done on a new branch; however, I am going to leave those changes in this PR in case anyone else picks this up.

The commits that could probably be in a different branch are: 64bf9b52ef996266a9f8e9bac50d6fd2338cc59a 35d9bb07e766dc1c28a773589c2a17ead540f611 8b97cadf72ccc5e7b9c3f8f9ce794b8d43e745e7