Megasploot / Dungeondraft

a sleek tabletop encounter mapping tool for Windows 10
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[] Select Tool Slow / Locked to Drag #24

Open WereDev opened 3 years ago

WereDev commented 3 years ago

Running on Linux (PopOS). Starting a new map, with no assets enabled, selecting the "Select" tool from the side, it takes several seconds for the side menu to show up.

When in an active map, the Select tool is similarly slow. Then when clicking on an item to work with or edit it, it takes several seconds for it to recognize that I clicked on something, but I'm also locked into drag mode when it is trying to move the item. My ability to change properties is limited and I can't let go of the item even with subsequent clicks. Only hitting escape seems to let the object go, dropping it wherever my mouse happens to be and exiting the Select tool.

WereDev commented 3 years ago

Of course after doing a bunch of experimentation during which I could repeatedly reproduce this issue, I'm back in the app and the map I was working on and the Select took is working fine again. Seems like the issue is intermittent. I'll see if I can figure out a possible trigger or pattern. :shrug:

WereDev commented 3 years ago

After uninstalling, deleting my local settings, and reinstalling, I have not been able to reproduce this issue.

WereDev commented 3 years ago

I was able to reproduce this when trying to upgrade from to beta. This time deleting the user settings folder did not fix the issue.

WereDev commented 3 years ago

This might not be a config setting. As mentioned above, clearing out the user settings didn't fix it this time, however rebooting did. Some time later, I ran into this issue again, though I hadn't updated or changed the version of Dungeondraft this time. Again, deleting the user preferences didn't affect anything. Digging deeper, I noticed that a process called "zypak-sandbox" appeared to have a hold on some part of Dungeondraft yet, even after closing the application. I couldn't kill that process but after doing some digging have come to find out that it is part of the Electron environment and something that allows Electron/Chromium applications to run on linux.

Resetting everything again, this process is not running on a fresh boot and doesn't start until I start Discord. Quitting Discord quits that process as well. Discord runs Electron, as does another application that I have called Joplin which also starts "zypak-sandbox". Digging further, I realized that these processes are both installed locally via Flatpak. Out of curiosity, I installed the non-Flatpak version of Discord on Linux and ran that. It does not start the "zypak-sandbox" process which leads me to conclude that this process is part of the Electron sandbox within Flatpak.

That being said, I have no idea why it would be trying to nab some part of some resource from Dungeondraft, but it would seem that some interaction there is the culprit. I will continue to keep an eye on this and see if simply stopping the Flatpak versions of Discord or Joplin clears up the issue when it appears and see if I can establish a pattern for when those programs start to cause problems.

WereDev commented 2 years ago

Still having this issue. Now running Dungeondraft though this time the culprit was Postman. Flatpak also seems to have been updated as I don't see references to zypak in my running processes but do see zygote attached to various electron based applications.