Closed Megasteakman closed 3 years ago
Trying to straight implement w/ just a vanilla metahuman actor, no cc3 or hybrid. Getting compile errors on play. Could it be skeletal remapping? Message Log: Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property MocapActor_SkeletalMesh". Blueprint: MocapActorSFXGenerator_Component Function: Execute Ubergraph Mocap Actor SFXGenerator Component Graph: EventGraph Node: Calculate Velocity From Position History Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property ActorPointOfReference". Blueprint: MocapActorSFXGenerator_Component Function: Execute Ubergraph Mocap Actor SFXGenerator Component Graph: EventGraph Node: Calculate Velocity From Position History Outputlog: LogLinker: Warning: [AssetLog] E:\VirtualProduction\Projects\VRmoCap\Content\VRMocap\Components\EmotionAnimations\CC3_emotion_angry_anim.uasset: Failed to load '/Game/iCloneDefaultMale/iCloneCC3DefaultMale_Skeleton': Can't find file.
The attach actor to component logic used in the CC3Metahuman Hybrid is floaty.