MeghanC1470 / MeghanC_UnityPrototype1

The first Prototype assignment for CART 315
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Prototype 1 Design Journal #2

Open MeghanC1470 opened 3 years ago

MeghanC1470 commented 3 years ago

Prototype 1 definitely lacked in the creative elements. It was way to simply and I underestimated myself and Unity as a whole. I let my insecurities get the best of me and didn't delve further into what Unity, and other assets and packages could do.

However, I wouldn't deem this Prototype a failure, but a learning experience. I will use more available assets and discover what spaces can do to affect the foreshadowing and tone of a game. I will also research better lighting sources.

Out of the multiple answers, most players wanted more imposing characters, and in fact actual character over shapes, as the "enemies" in Prototype 1 didn't really give any feeling of fear. The only slight bit of fear was the long narrow hallway.

Design-wise, it required work. But these are what these prototypes are for. I was a little discouraged, but I just have to remind myself that I'm a beginner in Unity. I will learn, and I will become better.