MeghanC1470 / MeghanC_UnityPrototype1

The first Prototype assignment for CART 315
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Final Design Journal #4

Open MeghanC1470 opened 3 years ago

MeghanC1470 commented 3 years ago

Despite what I was unable to add in its final build, I'm nonetheless satisfied with what I was able to accomplish. I lot of the main issues revolved around a not moving camera, a very blank area, simple shapes and uncomfortable silence. And uncomfortable in the way that made the game a problem more than aided its goal. This was solved through the introduction of a first-person camera rather than a static 3rd Person. I believe this greatly impacted the feeling of being more involved in the game. Through the use of materials and assets, what i was initially hesitant to use, I was able to convey more of a robotic laboratory setting with enemies that looked a bit more frightening than the original cylinders. Finally, I was able to add to background ambience to make the mood a bit more anxious feeling. I was able to practice scripting a bit more and see how it affected different objects, in the future i'd like to try using them more. I believe I met some of the major issues that I agreed with alongside my testers. While I couldn't meet all the criteria, I'm pretty happy with what I cold accomplish and my own improvement.