MehVahdJukaar / JustEnoughEffectDescriptions

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[1.19.2] Overencumbering compat recipe missing effect #31

Closed DelviousCrafts closed 1 year ago

DelviousCrafts commented 1 year ago

With the latest update to JEED there is an additional recipe in compact for supplementaries overencumbered effect. This recipe is missing the effect line causing an error thrown for recipe parsing when supplementaries is installed.

Versions: Minecraft: 1.19.2 Forge: 43.2.10 JEI: JEED: 2.1.0 Supplementaries: 2.3.9

kasperbjerby commented 1 year ago

Sometimes i wonder if they even test stuff before pushing a update out

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

Test yes. With other mods no, not every time at least even if they are my own