MehVahdJukaar / JustEnoughEffectDescriptions

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Dungeons Mobs and Dungeons Gear Effect Description Compat #34

Closed Maltshakes closed 1 year ago

Maltshakes commented 1 year ago

{ "effect.dungeons_mobs.ensnared.description": "Affected entities are trapped in place.", "effect.dungeons_mobs.warped.description": "Inflicts lethal magic damage over time.",

"effect.dungeons_gear.shielding.description": "Grants immunity to projectiles.", "effect.dungeons_gear.soul_protection.description": "Revives the player on death.", "effect.dungeons_gear.stunned.description": "Stuns an entity, causing nausea and slowing their movement. Higher levels increase the stun chance.", "effect.dungeons_gear.party_starter.description": "Melee attacks will cause entities to explode.", "effect.dungeons_gear.dynamo.description": "Increases damage on next attack, higher levels increase the damage boost.", "effect.dungeons_gear.life_steal.description": "Steals health from entities killed, higher levels increase the amount of health stolen.", "effect.dungeons_gear.bow_charge.description": "The next ranged attack will automatically be fully charged." }

QuentiumYT commented 1 year ago

Already in commit :)

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

closing this as i cant merge. I've added them manually by copy pasting whats here. ty