MehVahdJukaar / Randomium

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[Question] Is is possible to change the ore generation rate? #26

Closed ArsiTheFox closed 7 months ago

ArsiTheFox commented 7 months ago

Question asks it all xP

MehVahdJukaar commented 7 months ago

Yes, like all wprldgen can be changed with datapack

ArsiTheFox commented 7 months ago

This may need to be also be changeable in the config too like a setting called "generationChancePerChunk=[DECIMAL #]"

MehVahdJukaar commented 7 months ago

Is that a question? No it can be tweaked with datapakc. Adding a config would be non trivial and redundant

ArsiTheFox commented 7 months ago

Some people don't know how to make a custom datapack for their game. But thank you for replying and I am sorry

MehVahdJukaar commented 7 months ago

I mean some people don't know how to edit configs. The two don't differ much it's just editing text files. You can read about that in the supplementaries wiki or official Minecraft wiki