MehVahdJukaar / SmarterFarmers

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Suggestion for harvesting #11

Open MetaForge opened 1 year ago

MetaForge commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to have farmers deposit harvested food into the nearest available storage closest to their composter, like chests or barrels? Perhaps magically teleporting the food into the nearest storage if opening the chest itself is not possible? Maybe just walking to the nearest chest for perception?

It's great that farmers can replant all crops, but having them gather and deposit food would make farmers much more useful and viable as a natural sort of food production farm. Surely it would make sense for villagers to store some of their food rather than immediately eat it all 😆 maybe there could be some configurable percent chance of food being either stored, composted or eaten?

Just an idea :)

MetaForge commented 1 year ago

Maybe shepherds could periodically also help to breed animals and then have some configurable flock size for each animal type, after which they kill any extra adult animals and then have a chance of placing the food/hide in the nearest chest closest to their loom?

Perhaps villagers could also finally learn how to use gates? 🤣 temporarily blocking animals from path finding through a gate which is briefly opened and closed by a villager?

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 month ago

forgot to ever reply sorry. a year later better later than never i guess. So i would like to improve other villagers ai (like fisherman fishing and all). However other mod exist that do some other tweaks like that like liberty villagers. Still dont think they go that far but such behaviors are quite a pain to code and they all point toward a gameplay ath i dont quite like where villagers are essentally enslaved to farm player stuff. same reason why i dont like having them deposit their crop as that would be essentially an emerald farm for free. Villagers are already op as they are too.

Overall i might try to make fisherman visuallt fish and shaperds herd, as long as these stay mainly visual and or require major setup to automate i think its fair game

NolanHewitt commented 4 weeks ago

I think at least being able to put crops in chests directly would be a nice QOL change. It would feel less cruel than trying to trick a villager into throwing food at another starving villager so you can capture that food in a hopper.