MehVahdJukaar / Supplementaries

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[🐞]: Duplication bug for stacks over 64 #1090

Open K-Fitzpatrick opened 3 days ago

K-Fitzpatrick commented 3 days ago

Before Continuing:



Supplementaries Version


Moonlight Lib Version


Issue Detail

Originally discovered here.

Describe the Bug

Using Sophisticated Storage's Stack Upgrade and Supplementaries' Sack (right-click-to-add functionality), you can duplicate any item you have more than a stack of (including unstackables).

Reproduction Steps

  1. Put more than 1 full stack in a Sophisticated Backpack with a Stack Upgrade
  2. Left click a Sack (to hold it)
  3. Right click the overfull stack
  4. The Sack will contain the full amount of the Backpack stack, but the Backpack will have only lost 1 stack

Screenshots and Videos

Before reproduction steps: image

After reproduction steps: image

Minimal mod list to reproduce issue

  1. Supplementaries
  2. Sophisticated Backpacks
  3. Quark

Additional Info

Quark Shulker Boxes also have this right-click-to-add functionality, but they don't have the issue (they correctly subtract the amount taken from the Backpack's storage).

MehVahdJukaar commented 3 days ago

This should not be an issue in later versions