MehVahdJukaar / Supplementaries

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[🐞]: Supplementaries + Geckolib3 + AzureLib #969

Closed Krimatoria closed 4 months ago

Krimatoria commented 4 months ago

Before Continuing:



Supplementaries Version


Moonlight Lib Version


Issue Detail - Everything is here

MehVahdJukaar commented 4 months ago

why is this here? theres no mention of supplementaries anywhere in the log. I have no json or anything that uses either gekolib or azure lib in any of my mods

Krimatoria commented 4 months ago

why is this here? theres no mention of supplementaries anywhere in the log. I have no json or anything that uses either gekolib or azure lib in any of my mods

image - It comes from here)

Krimatoria commented 4 months ago

I also didn't understand why the Supplementaries were in the log with the broken Sculk-Horde animation, I don't understand myself, it's just that the @AzureDoom - AzureLib developer said it was geckolib3 - @Tslat - and they said the Supplementaries I got confused myself.

Just like you, I don't understand why your mod is in the log. Once again, both branches:

Tslat commented 4 months ago

why is this here? theres no mention of supplementaries anywhere in the log. I have no json or anything that uses either gekolib or azure lib in any of my mods @MehVahdJukaar

He keeps opening multiple posts in basically every git for this He has some sort of invalid animation json that is failing to load, and all the info I had was that it happens with supplementaries, azurelib, geckolib I haven't looked into supplementaries so I just suggested he go look into the pack or whatever to see where the invalid json is

MehVahdJukaar commented 4 months ago

Well then Disable your resource packs and disable all the mods that depend on geko or azure until you find the one that has the incorrect json