MehVahdJukaar / WoodGood

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[🐞]: builder's delight compat crash on startup #474

Closed superdude808 closed 3 months ago

superdude808 commented 3 months ago

Before Continuing:





EveryCompat Version


Moonlight Lib Version


Issue with mods


Issue Detail

So Builder's removed several things in a recent update which is causing Every Compat to fail when loading because it is looking for items and code that are no longer there.

Specifically it is looking for BdFurnitureKit.class which was removed in this commit

now I know this update to Builder's Delight was very recent so I'm in no way expecting Every Compat to update right this second but since this is preventing the game from running at all I thought you should know

OPTIONAL: Latest.log | Crash-report Attachment

latest.log crash-2024-03-31_00.04.39-fml.txt

OPTIONAL: To Produce

No response

Xelbayria commented 3 months ago

Can you provide the correct link to the commit via BdFurnitureKit.class being removed. I tried that link and it leads to nowhere.

for now, you should downgrade Builder's Delight to the previous version which is working fine with Every Compat

EDIT: nvm. i found the commit and will update EveryComp for the newer version of Builder's Delight (FORGE)

Xelbayria commented 3 months ago

It's not much work to update EveryCompat for Builder's Delight (FORGE). it's finished and will be in the next version. Thanks for the report. I recommend you to stick with Builders Delight (FORGE) v1.2 for now. When will the new version of EveryCompat be out is unknown.

superdude808 commented 3 months ago

oh sorry turns out github screws with links and thinks they reference the damn issues section of the repository the comment was posted in

will just need to copy past the url in a new tab

wow so now posting the url works

Xelbayria commented 3 months ago

yea. no worries. I've tried the link before. idk why github behaved like that with the links

xAlicatt commented 3 months ago

Updated to 2.6.41 today and this is still happening.

Xelbayria commented 3 months ago

The version will be in the next version. beside that, i haven't closed this because It's work in progress

EDIT: will be in v2.6.42