MehVahdJukaar / WoodGood

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[🗃]: Bamboo boards for 1.19 when installed along side Architect's Palette #493

Closed pantsguyapp closed 1 month ago

pantsguyapp commented 2 months ago

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idk...? bambooeverything??



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pantsguyapp commented 2 months ago

Just reuse the 1.18 texture version of the block.

Xelbayria commented 2 months ago

Next time, use Module Enhancement when you create a new issue. it's just to add a missing item or improve the already supported mod via EveryCompat

pantsguyapp commented 2 months ago

This mod here also add in a full set of bamboo planks for 1.19:

MODID: 2024-04-14_12 47 11

Xelbayria commented 2 months ago

just for clarification, Bamboo EveryThing & one-twenty-backport add yellow bamboo and also used green bamboo (from Minecraft) to add stairs and other blocks?

pantsguyapp commented 2 months ago

Bamboo everything does indeed add in the green bamboo, 1.20 backport does not. I'd say you should add the green bamboo stuff for bamboo everything too, since the mod is also on 1.20 I figure they would still have green bamboo in their mod even in the 1.20 versions.

Xelbayria commented 2 months ago


Xelbayria commented 2 months ago

Can you check whether the bamboo or stem has the "bass" sound? Some woodTypes wasn't updated properly so some blocks did not get detected. This is only applied to v1.20.1.

pantsguyapp commented 2 months ago

The noteblock thingy? I am afraid I am not available to play 1.20 anytime soon thought.

Xelbayria commented 2 months ago

The noteblock thingy?

yea, you can find out the sound of a block via noteblock. it's a good way to find out whether Bamboo has the correct sound or not.

I am afraid I am not available to play 1.20 anytime soon thought.

No rush.