MehVahdJukaar / WoodGood

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[🗃]: Chipped Module is missing Regions Unexplored's Logs on the carpenter's table #502

Closed Kahzel closed 1 month ago

Kahzel commented 2 months ago


Every Compat 1.20-2.6.53 Chipped forge-1.20.1-3.0.6 Regions Unexplored Forge-0.5.5+1.20.1



Chipped contains the following variants for vanilla logs (using spruce as an example): Bundled, Center Cut, Damaged, Edge Cut, Firewood, Flowering, Mixed, Nailed, Overgrown, Planked, Reinforced image

As well as having the following stripped log variants: Carved, Chipped, D Sign, Edged, F Sign, I Sign, K Sign, Knotted, L Sign, Layered, Lumpy, M Sign, Patient, Reinforced, Sign, Stern, Wise image

Currently, none of Regions Unexplored's wood types are supported by this.

The IDs for these types are as follows:

chipped:<type>_wood_log type is lowercased, spaces replaced with underscores. Ex: chipped:reinforced_spruce_log or chipped:stern_stripped_oak_log

This seems that only the logs are not included, since the planks are supported by EC to be used on Chipped.

Xelbayria commented 2 months ago

Interesting, I'll take a look


i've checked it out. it's confirmed. The fixes will be in the next version. Keep this in mind, the number of blocks that will be generated by EC with Chipped is going to be a huge amount.