MehVahdJukaar / WoodGood

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[🐞]: 1.20.1 Crashed for Rendering item with JEI #522

Closed PhilTheGreatLOL closed 4 weeks ago

PhilTheGreatLOL commented 1 month ago

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EveryCompat Version


Moonlight Lib Version


Issue with mods

Rubidium (rubidium), Version: 0.7.1a Better Default Biomes (betterdefaultbiomes), Version: 5.1.0-Alpha Just Enough Item (JEI) Version:

Issue Detail

When I open JEI for recipe but unexpected error when I scroll down and all recipe caused error icon instead of item and then crashed for Rendering item. crash-2024-06-04_18.36.47-client.txt

OPTIONAL: Latest.log | Crash-report Attachment

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MehVahdJukaar commented 1 month ago

Uninstall every compat

Xelbayria commented 1 month ago

One more thing: Update Moonlight Lib, it's outdated. You also should Update Supplementaries, too

That's all.

PhilTheGreatLOL commented 1 month ago

For sure bro.

PhilTheGreatLOL commented 1 month ago

2024-06-05_01 22 22 When I need to see recipe but All items want to craft caused Error texture

Xelbayria commented 1 month ago

That's new... πŸ€” I need the latest.log to see what's going on

PhilTheGreatLOL commented 1 month ago


MehVahdJukaar commented 1 month ago

Apologies i thought you had a different error. All i se there is actulaly one from betterdefaultbiomes

PhilTheGreatLOL commented 1 month ago

Shall I uninstall every compat?

Xelbayria commented 1 month ago

If you don't have other wood mods like Biomes O' Plenty or The Twilight Forest so on. Then yeah you can uninstall EveryComp. It's meant to support wood mods with furniture mods (Macaw's series or other) which don't have addon that support other wood mods. Sometimes, furniture mods have built-in support for other wood mods, too.

UPDATE: betterdefaultbiomes has 2 wood types, It is quite tricky to find out what's the cause

Xelbayria commented 1 month ago

i think i found the cause:

the culprit mod is croptopia and a leave type named "cinnamon" is what caused the problem.

will investigate this to find out what's going on. Thanks to Crash-Report that give me a clue on who is the culprit.


@MehVahdJukaar The croptopia doesn't generate any leave block. Idk why EveryComp detected these leavesType

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 month ago

I see. I looked it up and the only way i see that happening is if a mod were to add a leaf block without a leaf item

Xelbayria commented 1 month ago

So that's why. Is there a way to exclude "cinnamon" from detection in EveryComp? or does it have to be done in Moonlight Lib??

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 month ago

fix should come next update

Xelbayria commented 4 weeks ago

I ran the test with the fix applied to EveryComp. All is good now.