MehVahdJukaar / WoodGood

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[❔]: Guide on how to use the API #530

Open Ryhon0 opened 2 weeks ago

Ryhon0 commented 2 weeks ago


The FAQ mentions an API modders can use to generate the assets, however there is no guide or wiki explaining how to use it

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MehVahdJukaar commented 2 weeks ago

It's explained in the java docs of EveryCompatAPI class

Ryhon0 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks. I still need to know how to add it to a project. It would be useful if all this information was all in one place

MehVahdJukaar commented 2 weeks ago

well you add it like any other project, you can use curse maven and add modImplementation

Ryhon0 commented 2 weeks ago

To whoever is interested, this is how you add it:

// build.gradle
repositories {
        maven { url "" }

dependencies {
        modImplementation "curse.maven:every-compat-628539:${every_compat_version}"
    modImplementation "curse.maven:selene-499980:${moonlight_version}"

every_compat_version and moonlight_version can be found by clicking on a version on the CF files page and copying the id from the url from here:

MehVahdJukaar commented 2 weeks ago

I'll add that to the readme. If you go in files there's even a button that gives you those very same lines