MehVahdJukaar / amendments

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cauldron accepting dirt block as liquid - BUG #74

Open NuggetLordi opened 2 months ago

NuggetLordi commented 2 months ago

When you click with a dirt block in a empty cauldron, it somehow accepts and act like an liquid. I tested a bit and found out that the particles that appears when you enter the dirt cauldron are white. I assume it is a bug from Amendments.

Versions MC: 1.20.1 Forge: 47.2.18 Amendments: 1.1.26 Supplementaries: 2.8.10 (Create probably ins't related to this bug but i think it is good to say) Create: 0.5.1.f


MrRedstoneToGo commented 1 month ago

Cool, the new composting mechanic! I don't think it was planned, but how about just using a cauldron instead of a composter for composting and getting dirt out instead of bone meal?

MrRedstoneToGo commented 1 month ago

Bug doesn't work anymore because cauldrons now have a "fluid capability" and there's no dirt fluid. :(