MehVahdJukaar / labels-multi

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A bunch of labels have disappeared after loading a game #29

Open terzag opened 1 year ago

terzag commented 1 year ago

Hello, I've started using your mod a few days ago and after labelling my whole storage area (about 200 labels), a big bunch of them simply disappeared when I loaded my game today. About 80 disappeared and they're not invisible, they're just gone (hitting where they should be doesn't give them back).

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

Do you have optiifine?

terzag commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I made a mistake when posting the message, so it went through without the description. :/

So, a big bunch of labels disappeared (about 80 out of 200) and from what I can tell, it seems that the missing ones are part of the same chunks. I.e. I have several barrels which had labels, they start missing at a specific column and I think it's at the exact limit between two chunks.

I've tried to quit/reload, go to the Nether and back (as I saw another report with issues when changing dimensions) but no change.

Not using Optifine, using Fabric + Sodium. Minecraft 1.21.

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

Ah hm weird. Did you update the mod? Did they pop in item form? They are entities so maybe something happened to them that broke them

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

Weird that it would happen out of the blue. Those aren't very different from item frames and if there was a bug where they would become invalid they should at least pop in item form

terzag commented 1 year ago

Didn't update the mod, I downloaded and installed it a few days ago.

But I just reloaded the game again and they're back. So, not sure what happened. Is there a log to check if that happens again?

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

They were invisible then. I was aware of such an issue with optiifine. I'll check again near chunk borders

terzag commented 1 year ago

It just happened again and I might have a bit more information.

First, they're not invisible, they really seem to be unloaded, as if I hit the block they're (supposed to be) on, I get the "breaking block animation" and the label doesn't pop as an item. I'm really sure I hit in the center of the block, not just outside of the label.

Secondly, it seems to happen when I save the game next to some of them: when I load it back, they are missing. The ones in the chunk in front of me don't load, others in the chunk I am in, or behind, or somewhere else, load fine. If I save elsewhere and load, the ones previously missing are back.

I'll try to circle down the issue a bit (to see if it happens in a specific zone or if I get the same behaviour for other labels in other chunks).

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

I had previous reports saying they don't render when changing dimensions or going far away but I was never able to replicate. Maybe it's some incompatibility or weird interaction

terzag commented 1 year ago

Yeah. From what I've tried currently, it seems to happen only with a specific group of chunks. Not sure of it's related to the label themselves (e.g. a specific block set as the image on one label that triggers a bug on all the ones in the same chunk) or to the chunks they're in.

So far, I've been able to make them disappear at will (if I save next to them, they always disappear) but I haven't found a coherent way of making them reappear.

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

Anything specific about those chunks?

terzag commented 1 year ago

From what I can tell, no. There's a slime chunk just next to them but the ones where I have the labels have nothing special AFAIK.

soulhakr commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing this same issue, running Minecraft 1.19.2, Better Minecraft modpack version 1.18.5 plus several additions, on a server. I'm using Fabric, Sodium + Iris, and Complementary Reimagined shaders. I'm seeing the exact same behavior, though it seems the labels sometimes return after events where the shaders reload - changing dimensions, going to sleep, etc. Also: the building where the storage area with the labels is located is like a chunk or two away from spawn.

soulhakr commented 1 year ago

I am suspecting that we may be running afoul of Entity Culling

terzag commented 1 year ago

I've continued to do some tests and I've found out that the labels reappear when I go far away enough and come back. "Far away" being apparently equal to the render distance.

An easy workaround for the issue is to set the render distance to the minimal value (2 chunks), go away until I see the chunks where the labels are completely disappear and then come back closer to make the labels visible again (then set the render distance back to the original value).

Not sure the spawn has anything to do with this as I have a second wall of storage with a lot of labels that is slightly closer to spawn and never had the issue. My base is close to the spawn overall, though: the chunks with the disappearing labels are 12 chunks away from the spawn while the ones with no issue are 10-11 chunks away (really slightly closer).

EDIT: I have some mods related to culling (EntityCulling, CullLessLeaves, maybe Lithium too −it changes core mechanics but I'm not sure it includes culling) but removing them doesn't seem to affect the issue, labels still disappear.

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

This is so bizarre. Also because labels are a pretty simple entity. Maybe treir tracking radius is wrong

terzag commented 1 year ago

Do you think it could be related to the number of labels that have to be displayed? In the chunks with issues I have 74 labels (across two chunks: 46 + 28 labels) that disappear. On the other side, I previously had item frames instead of them and didn't have issues with them, so if the labels are treated in a similar way, I guess it shouldn't be the case.

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

Definitely not. Had reports of this happening with just one. Does the same issue appear if you teleport from way from them to exactly their position?

terzag commented 1 year ago

How would I teleport?

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

should ve fixed

terzag commented 1 year ago

Well, because of the issues I have reverted to the old items-in-frames setup. I've put back a few labels (in the same chunks that triggered the issue) after I saw the update and they seem to display fine but I'd have to re-setup labels for the whole storage system to confirm if it's really fixed. Unfortunately, I won't have time to do this in the next few days but I'll report as soon as possible, in a week or so.

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

No worries. Unfortunately due to how the fix was handled old frames might pop off but should work fine after that

terzag commented 1 year ago

So, I've just taken the time to redo my whole storage area with labels and... there's a new issue, that might or not be related.

I started Minecraft and loaded my game, the few labels that I had put back for testing popped off as you said, I put labels back everywhere and added items to them. Everything looked fine. I saved, reloaded and the labels were still there, even in the chunks that caused issues before, but... they're blank.

I put one item back on a single label, saved again, reloaded, blank again.

I've tried the old trick that made them reappear when they vanished but no change, so that might be a completely different issue.

Well, at least the labels don't disappear anymore. :)

I've put the latest log there just in case there's something obvious: Also, recently, I've added some big mods (the kind that adds custom stuff to the game) so I wouldn't cross out a conflict with another mod.

EDIT: that might be the same issue as mentioned there:

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

darn. i tried replicating this and as usual i couldnt... try using /data get on them before and after you reload. it should show the missing data. also are you on fabric 1.20?

terzag commented 1 year ago

Using Fabric 1.20.1.

I don't really understand what you're asking me. Where/how do I use this /data command?

terzag commented 1 year ago

OK, I know where the issue comes from: shaders. Not sure if it's the one I use specifically (ComplementaryReimagined) as I don't have others to test. I'll try to find some.

Basically: I load my game, the labels are blank, I disable the shaders, the labels are still blank, I save and quit, I reload my game (with shaders still disabled), the labels are back −all of them.

EDIT: it might not be as simple as that. I tried with another shader and the issue is pretty much the same, so it doesn't seem related to CR specifically. But the weird thing is that at some point during my tests I was kind of back to the previous situation with the usual two chunks behaving differently, except that 1) the labels were shown everywhere, that time it was only the item picture that disappeared and not the label itself; and 2) it was the opposite as before with the item pictures displaying only in the previously problematic two chunks and disappearing everywhere else...

EDIT 2: just noticed that on a test map I have, the label pictures still disappear on load even with shaders disabled... I'm more and more confused.

jacob99200 commented 1 year ago

darn. i tried replicating this and as usual i couldnt... try using /data get on them before and after you reload. it should show the missing data. also are you on fabric 1.20?

I was having the same issue on a server using this mod

Relogging would cause ALL labels to go blank

Checking the data tho, the item data tho, it seems its still keeping the data just fine

Before Relog image After Relog image

This is with other mods tho, I will attempt this again only using the labels mod

jacob99200 commented 1 year ago

At first I thought it was an issue with faux, but nope

This happens with only fabric API, labels, and moonlight installed

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Fabric Version: 0.14.22 Fabric API Version: 0.87.0+1.20.1 Labels Version: 1.20-1.16 Moonlight Version: 1.20-2.8.12

This time tested on singleplayer world: Before Relog: image After Relog: image

terzag commented 1 year ago

There's something I didn't specify in my previous message: I tried with a new setup with only Fabric + Moonlight + Labels to see if the issue happened with the most basic configuration and race a mod conflict. It didn't. That's when I figured that one difference was the shaders and I tried disabled them on my usual configuration.

Now, seeing that @jacob99200 has the issue with a similar very basic setup, I checked again with mine and it seems that the problem actually happens too but does randomly: I start Minecraft, load the game, the label I've placed is blank. If I quit/reload, it reappears or not. I've tried to save/quit + reload several times in a row, it seems to be completely random: sometimes the label will display, sometimes not.

KavisKryptic commented 10 months ago

Just bumping this issue, since I'm running into it as well

plasmagaming8 commented 8 months ago

Also bumping this issue! I'm having the same problem using Quilt loader 1.20.1 + sodium; no shaders

rikanotank1 commented 6 months ago

There's something I didn't specify in my previous message: I tried with a new setup with only Fabric + Moonlight + Labels to see if the issue happened with the most basic configuration and race a mod conflict. It didn't. That's when I figured that one difference was the shaders and I tried disabled them on my usual configuration.

Now, seeing that @jacob99200 has the issue with a similar very basic setup, I checked again with mine and it seems that the problem actually happens too but does randomly: I start Minecraft, load the game, the label I've placed is blank. If I quit/reload, it reappears or not. I've tried to save/quit + reload several times in a row, it seems to be completely random: sometimes the label will display, sometimes not.

Same issue here, hope dev fix labels they becoming blank after relog in game.