MehVahdJukaar / mapatlases-neoforge

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Markers added to map without being made by player #109

Open plswhynocomeon opened 4 months ago

plswhynocomeon commented 4 months ago

A red cross marker labeled chest is constantly added to the map, there's only ever 1 but whenever deleted it reappears close to where it was.

no button was pressed other than m to open map and shift click to delete marker

MehVahdJukaar commented 4 months ago

Version? Are you sure you haven't placed the marker yourself ?

plswhynocomeon commented 4 months ago

Definitely not added myself. Minecraft 1.20.1 using version 6.0.3 of the mod

MehVahdJukaar commented 4 months ago

is a chest at that position?

MehVahdJukaar commented 4 months ago

that could also happen if that map has a permanent map marker such as the ones from treasure maps

plswhynocomeon commented 4 months ago

There is a chest there, ive never touched a treasure map

MehVahdJukaar commented 4 months ago

And if you use the atlas on the chest does it go away?

JakeHumphries4 commented 3 months ago

To continue this thread, is it possible to disable chests being added as markers? It does go away when I click on the chest with the atlas, but it's even detecting chests underground, and chests I have previously removed the marker of. It adds lots of visual clutter to an otherwise great Atlas mod.

MehVahdJukaar commented 3 months ago

Markers are ONLY added when the player specifically does so. Either by clicking on a marker providing item with the atlas or when pressing the add marker keybind when looking at one. If you don't want those markers simply don't add tbem

JakeHumphries4 commented 3 months ago

This isnt the case for me. I haven't interacted with my friends chest in his base, yet markers appear for them.

MehVahdJukaar commented 3 months ago

and are you positive you are not pressing the add marker button?

JakeHumphries4 commented 3 months ago

100000%. I haven't clicked it once. I have barely gone into the atlas itself. They appear on the minimap as I'm running around near the bases/chest

doGior commented 3 months ago

I have the same problem, but i slapped a couple of mods together on my own so maybe there's some incompatibility with some mods i added

MehVahdJukaar commented 3 months ago

it doesnt matter if you open the atlas menu or not. As long as you press B a marker will appear

JakeHumphries4 commented 3 months ago

When you press B, a dialogue box appears, asking you to create and name a marker. This is unrelated to the issue. I haven't seen this dialogue box until testing this right now.

Is it potentially related to the moonlight integration? Even if I disable that in the config, I still get markers. From what I understand its this integration that allows for such specific markers in the first place

MehVahdJukaar commented 3 months ago

Dialog box only appears when not looking at a marker providing block as only pins can be named directly

doGior commented 2 months ago

I just found out that if i put the atlas in my hand and right click a chest with it the associated marker gets removed and doesn't appear again (or at least it hasn't so far)