MehVahdJukaar / polytone

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[FORGE] grass_color not working for swamp biome #12

Closed NeonCranberries closed 5 months ago

NeonCranberries commented 5 months ago

I'm trying to change the swamp biome values and everything seems to be working except for the grass_color


"sky_color": 4325376,
"fog_color": 9913412,
"water_color": 2239033,
"water_fog_color": 2894401,
"grass_color": 4539717,
"foliage_color": 1719582,
"particle": {
  "options": {
     "type": "minecraft:ash"
  "probability": 0.2


2024-01-20_12 04 45

I do realize the swamp is special in how it has two different grass colors but am unsure how I would account for that for this to work.

MehVahdJukaar commented 5 months ago

hm I'll look into it

MehVahdJukaar commented 5 months ago

so the game works like this: if biome has special biome effect it gets those. if not it gets the colormap grass color THEN if biome has some extra biome color effect function (just swamp has that), it uses that to transform the color calculated above. I'm not sure what i should do here. EIther nuke the special effect function when a new color is applied or allow one to customize that with a math function

MehVahdJukaar commented 5 months ago

oh update, aparently it already is customizable. you need to add "grass_color_modifier" with one of these values image

NeonCranberries commented 5 months ago

Ahh that worked...Thank you! And sorry to bother you.