MehVahdJukaar / polytone

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Bug: Dark skies #31

Closed Thornecrous closed 2 months ago

Thornecrous commented 2 months ago

At random moments the sky in the biome im in becomes darker, like in the picture Безымянный It becomes normal when i go into a different biome, and darkens again when i go back

MehVahdJukaar commented 2 months ago

Are you in any particular biome when that happens?

MehVahdJukaar commented 2 months ago

Do you have any pack on?

Thornecrous commented 2 months ago

it happens in every biome, randomly i use my own pack that changes the sky color in some biomes, but megataiga and river on the screen are not one of them the pack changes sky and color through explicit targeting, not colormaps, if that will help

Thornecrous commented 2 months ago

i also use Fog looks good now, which makes the sky dark when you are in cave, but when i disable it the issue remains

MehVahdJukaar commented 2 months ago

Can you send your pack so I can test?

Thornecrous commented 2 months ago

1 minute

Thornecrous commented 2 months ago


MehVahdJukaar commented 2 months ago

I tried flying around through diff biomes including river and couldnt replicate. Are you using other mods that might affect this? Try without. Also double check the biome whenever that happens.

Thornecrous commented 2 months ago

i believe this happens not depending on the biome, i can remember seeing it in: plains cherry grove river megataiga When i was testing the pack i sent, i saw it also in the jungle and mesa biomes, the pack was working, but the colors were darker and dimmer As for the mods, the ones i can think of that caused the conflict (this doesn't mean i am right, i just got no clue what exactly they do, so maybe they are involved) are: BadOptimisations Concurrent Chunk Management Engine Immediately Fast Lithium Satin Sodium All others are small additions like Zoomify or Wakes I'll try to disable my mods, except for a few like Continuity and will play like that for a few days to report if the issue is still there

Thornecrous commented 2 months ago

i can remember the issue appeared shortly after i installed polytone, i didn't exist before still, i am too deep to reject it this mod is cool ah

Thornecrous commented 2 months ago

i shrunk my modlist to this let's see if the game will even start now image

testing begins

Thornecrous commented 2 months ago

ah yes, the crispy 8 fps i noticed from all the mods i mentioned before CCME is in alpha right now, so, for now i gonna reinstall all of them except it

Thornecrous commented 2 months ago

i played without c2me for a day and a half, performance did a nosedive, but i haven't seen any dark skies yet i am starting to suspect i am wasting your precious time here gonna close this issue for now