MehVahdJukaar / polytone

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[Bug/Wiki] GUI Overlay not rendering texture. #48

Open RedRain0o0 opened 4 weeks ago

RedRain0o0 commented 4 weeks ago

im trying to make a resource pack using polytone to create a custom ui overlay. problem is i cannot get textures to render no matter what. image this is meant to look like this creative legacy_creative.json this is my json. i am on 1.20.6 fabric with polytone 1.18.12 i cant tell if this is an actual bug or unclear documentation (the wiki page contradicts itself several times)

MehVahdJukaar commented 4 weeks ago

so looks like the texture path is wrong. Can you show me where its located?

lxly9 commented 4 weeks ago

im also interested, where the wiki contradicts itself. as it seems now you have a wrong path to your texture. your texture can be located anywhere, just remember that you’ll need to append .png in the path on newer versions of mc.

lxly9 commented 4 weeks ago

please comment your path to the texture in your folders

lxly9 commented 4 weeks ago

if you are using a vanilla-like directory you probably have a container folder in which creative.png is located

RedRain0o0 commented 4 weeks ago

sorry, i dont have notifications turned on in my json i target assets/halo/textures/gui/creative.png im my pack i have assets/halo/textures/gui/creative.png afaik it should work, but it just displays a missing texture no matter what

RedRain0o0 commented 4 weeks ago

as for the wiki, at the top of it says the following is a valid path

      "x": -8,  
      "y": -8,  
      "z": -500,  
      "width": 16,  
      "height": 16,  
      "texture": "textures/block/stone.png"  

but by the bottom it says this is

        "x": -102,  
        "y": -95,  
        "z": -200,  
        "width": 204,  
        "height": 190,  
        "texture": "assets/modid/textures/gui/container/inventory_frame.png"  

the first doesnt define itself as under assets/minecraft/ and also doesnt work when put into a pack. everything else works (slots colors, etc), but the stone block doesnt render

MehVahdJukaar commented 4 weeks ago

so all assets in game never have the "assets" folder in their path. its always implied. I tested this with this on latest 1.20.1 and it was working for me image

oh and as a resourcelocation its namespace is implied. All resource locations without one have the minecraft: one

RedRain0o0 commented 4 weeks ago

does it work on 1.20.6 for you? or is it still broken?

MehVahdJukaar commented 3 weeks ago

ah you are on 1.20.6. There all sprites have to be in the gui/sprites folder. Check the wiki again

RedRain0o0 commented 3 weeks ago

tried putting it under halo/textures/gui/sprites and minecraft/textures/gui/sprites and neither work. also the wiki doesnt seem to mention anything about it

MehVahdJukaar commented 3 weeks ago
