MehVahdJukaar / polytone

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Resource Reload Failed #55

Open rtaha183 opened 1 week ago

rtaha183 commented 1 week ago

Ever since I downloaded the mod, every time I try to load up my resource pack, it shows "Resource Reload Failed" on the top right. It works without the mod, but doesn't with the mod itself. The resource pack I'm using is Lively Default (attached). Please help. Lively Default

rtaha183 commented 1 week ago

image these are the other mods i have installed as well

rtaha183 commented 1 week ago

It turns out it was because of the water colormap files... Removed those and it started working fine... Is there any possible way that the water colormap could work though???

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 week ago

its probably wrong. latest.log will say why, all errors this mod produces are always in there. It will always reject stuff that is wrong instead of ignoring it such that errors can be found

rtaha183 commented 1 week ago

"Could not resolve explicit texture at location minecraft:underwater.png. Skipping" "Could not find any colormap texture .png associated with path minecraft:underwater" "Could not find any colormap texture .png associated with path minecraft:underwater"

This is what it says

rtaha183 commented 1 week ago

ok so from what i understand is that the underwater file is the problem

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 week ago

Send your pack or that section specifically

Madis0 commented 3 days ago

Here are logs using only Polytone 1.21-2.1.0 and Fabric API 0.100.4+1.21.

I am attempting to individually activate the following resource packs: Lively Default (as linked in OP), BetterVanillaBuilding v2.98.1, Barely Default v1.13.8 by Mickey Joe, New Default+ v1.75. All those packs are claimed to be compatible with 1.21.


The following common errors can be observed:

Colormap errors like these

java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find any colormap texture .png associated with path minecraft:custom/dirt

java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find any colormap texture .png associated with path minecraft:swampgrass

java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find any colormap texture .png associated with path minecraft:underwater

Font errors like these

[18:26:03] [Worker-Main-6/WARN]: Failed to load builder (patchouli:unicode_font: builder #249 from pack file/NewDefault+v1.75[MC1.20-1.20.4].zip), rejecting minecraft:textures/font/symbol_smp6.png

[18:26:03] [Worker-Main-6/WARN]: Failed to load builder (patchouli:unicode_font: builder #248 from pack file/NewDefault+v1.75[MC1.20-1.20.4].zip), rejecting minecraft:textures/font/symbol_smp5.png

[18:26:03] [Worker-Main-6/WARN]: Failed to load builder (patchouli:unicode_font: builder #247 from pack file/NewDefault+v1.75[MC1.20-1.20.4].zip), rejecting minecraft:textures/font/symbol_smp4.png

Hope that helps!

MehVahdJukaar commented 3 days ago

This means something in them is invalid. Like that "custom/dir" texture which I assume doesn't have a file associated will by default target the block at its own name so Minecraft:custom/dirt which doesn't exist. It needs either an valid implicit target or an explicit target defined in its JSON. The errors below are from patchouli

Madis0 commented 3 days ago

This means something in them is invalid. Like that "custom/dir" texture which I assume doesn't have a file associated will by default target the block at its own name so Minecraft:custom/dirt which doesn't exist. It needs either an valid implicit target or an explicit target defined in its JSON.

That sounds plausible, and it is what I initially thought too. However, it is possible to successfully load (1.20.6 versions of) these packs in Polytone 1.20.6-1.18.12: latest.log

In later versions of Polytone for 1.20.6, the same issue will occur, so it still looks like a regression.