MehVahdJukaar / polytone

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Colormaps don't apply to flowing water? #9

Closed nx-lilywawa closed 5 months ago

nx-lilywawa commented 5 months ago

Am I doing something wrong? Works for still water, but not flowing Currently have these files in /(resourcepack)/assets/minecraft/polytone/fluid_properties/minecraft image

MehVahdJukaar commented 5 months ago

Are you on forge or fabric?

nx-lilywawa commented 5 months ago

Quilt, so the Fabric version of the mod

MehVahdJukaar commented 5 months ago

so just normal still water is applied? that's weird. Try placing them in assets/minecraft/polytone/fluid_properties/flowing_water

(same path structure as i you were to change say stone model, it would be assets/minecraft/models/block/stone)

nx-lilywawa commented 5 months ago

oh! of course... yeah flowing_water works should've figured, my bad though maybe it could be clearer in the documentation? idunno