MehVahdJukaar / sleep_tight

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Compatibility Issue: Bedbugs break bed rendering with bedspreads #40

Open ShyNieke opened 1 year ago

ShyNieke commented 1 year ago

Forge Version: 43.2.13 Minecraft version: 1.19.2 Bed Spreads version: 6.0.0 Sleep Tight version: 1.0.22

When having a bed from Bed Spreads (a bed with a banner pattern applied to it) and a bed bug decides to nestle in it, the matrass and sheets of the bed vanish in to thin air causing an uncomfortable night of sleep ;p See image for issue


MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

They got rid of the Sus. Will need some direct integration to get this to work, intact might need to PR some changes on their side too

ShyNieke commented 1 year ago

The sus is beacuse I made the mistake of asking Bysco for a random banner command haha.

Is there anything I can do in regards of the issue though? want me to also report it to them?

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

I'll have a look when I get the chance