MehimoNemo / LethalCompanyShrinkRay

Lethal Company Shrink ray mod
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[Thread] Enemy behaviours #91

Open NiroDev opened 1 month ago

NiroDev commented 1 month ago

In this thread we would like to collect ideas of how enemies should behave if their relative scale differs from yours. An enlarged enemy is > a normal sized player, even though it may visually be the opposite.

Behaviours, when enemy > player

Behaviours, when player > enemy

catlabeler commented 1 month ago

larger players could have a damage resist to smaller nut cracker kicks to make up for how easy they are to kick

catlabeler commented 1 month ago

dogs may get confused when there is a larger player and believe it to be a giant and ignore them (a little boring but makes sense) or dogs could be intimidated and won't attack unless accompanied by another dog, in which case they will charge in a group and bite the enlarged player doing medium damage (not sure the scope of animations we can do, so for the sake of it what's considered impossible/too difficult?)

catlabeler commented 1 month ago

jester enters a longer kill animation, having to knock the player over before biting/removing the head of the larger player spore lizards no longer attempt to intimidate larger players and are more likely to expel a gas cloud before running away masked need to tag team a larger player, if there is one they will grab the player and wait for another mask to turn up, if none do the player will break free from the grab and stun the mask for a moment. if another mask does turn up the player will be knocked to their knees and be infected as normal by both masked

catlabeler commented 1 month ago

there is a theory that coilhead only stop when they know they are being observed, so maybe they won't stop when observed by a smaller player?

catlabeler commented 1 month ago

baboon hawks may perceive a smaller player as an object (maybe standing still can trick them) and will take them like any other object back to their nest, and smaller players can sneak past sleeping baboon hawks

NiroDev commented 1 month ago

masked need to tag team a larger player, if there is one they will grab the player and wait for another mask to turn up, if none do the player will break free from the grab and stun the mask for a moment. if another mask does turn up the player will be knocked to their knees and be infected as normal by both masked

I really like that one, even though it may be hard to implement. One masked hanging on you could slow you down