Mehni / kNumbers

Quick comparison of colonist stats
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Shift+Click #6

Closed bananasss00 closed 5 years ago

bananasss00 commented 5 years ago

thank you for great update, but one problem, shift(ctrl) + click not work anymore, as it was in previous versions

Mehni commented 5 years ago

dangit, I was hoping nobody would notice since it wasn't the most used feature :D

Dunno yet how I'll solve this with the refactor. Either patch/transpile PawnColumnWorker_Label to reintroduce the shift-click, or roll my own.

bananasss00 commented 5 years ago

I did not think that this has difficulties, I will try too see, maybe, what turn out

bananasss00 commented 5 years ago get it work with transpiler patch. And work for another vanilla tabs :D

bananasss00 commented 5 years ago

lol. have this patch as tweaks

Mehni commented 5 years ago

Very cool.

I asked AlexTD if I could take his code (it's a more compatible and well-tested solution) and he agreed. I'll add that over the weekend.

Thanks for your help, again!