Mehooz / vision4leg

Toolkit for vision-guided quadrupedal locomotion research
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Request the solution of an error #13

Open ZYZSD opened 1 year ago

ZYZSD commented 1 year ago

Hello,@Mehooz thanks for your public work,it's pretty interesting. But there is an error when I run, could you please do me a favour to have a loook?

python starter/ --config config/rl/static/locotransformer/thin-goal.json --seed 0 --log_dir log --id vision4leg

something wrong went on:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/le/hzt/vision4leg-master/starter/", line 127, in experiment(args) File "/home/le/hzt/vision4leg-master/starter/", line 123, in experiment agent.train() File "/home/le/hzt/vision4leg-master/torchrl/algo/", line 112, in train training_epoch_info = self.collector.train_one_epoch() File "/home/le/hzt/vision4leg-master/torchrl/collector/", line 116, in train_one_epoch reward = self.take_actions() File "/home/le/hzt/vision4leg-master/torchrl/collector/", line 95, in take_actions out = File "/home/le/hzt/vision4leg-master/torchrl/policies/", line 86, in explore mean, std, log_std = self.forward(x) File "/home/le/hzt/vision4leg-master/torchrl/policies/", line 487, in forward mean = super().forward(x) File "/home/le/hzt/vision4leg-master/torchrl/networks/", line 1011, in forward out = att_layer(out) File "/home/le/anaconda3/envs/agt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1194, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, *kwargs) File "/home/le/anaconda3/envs/agt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 538, in forward x = self.norm1(x + self._sa_block(x, src_mask, src_key_padding_mask)) File "/home/le/anaconda3/envs/agt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 546, in _sa_block x = self.self_attn(x, x, x, File "/home/le/anaconda3/envs/agt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1194, in _call_impl return forward_call(input, **kwargs) File "/home/le/anaconda3/envs/agt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1167, in forward attn_output, attn_output_weights = F.multi_head_attention_forward( File "/home/le/anaconda3/envs/agt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/", line 5160, in multi_head_attention_forward attn_output_weights = torch.bmm(q_scaled, k.transpose(-2, -1)) RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE when calling cublasSgemmStridedBatched( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, stridea, b, ldb, strideb, &beta, c, ldc, stridec, num_batches)

However,I cloudn't modify any code.Cloud you give me some advice about that? Thanks a lot. I am looking forward to your reply~

Mehooz commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your notification. It seems that the bug is related to pytorch and CUDA. I can only suggest that you print the sizes of each input and output, as well as the architecture of the networks. There must be a mismatched pair of shapes of input and NN.