MehulKhanna / PokeGrinder

An Auto-Grinding Bot for PokéMeow with Slash Commands! With a free Captcha Solver!
MIT License
12 stars 7 forks source link

The program isnt running? #33

Closed Charlie1093 closed 5 months ago

Charlie1093 commented 7 months ago



After doing everything this is what i got

this is my folder with the executable file out side of the folder image

My config.json file { "Clients": [ { "Token": "abcd", "ChannelID": "1190503529077551226", "FishChannelID": "1190503748968132639", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": true, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 250, "ub": 25, "mb": 0 } }, { "Token": "xyz", "ChannelID": "1190521484704239698", "FishChannelID": "1190521511958818876", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": false, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "pb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "db", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 25, "ub": 5, "mb": 0 } } ] }

and here is my fishes.json file { "Squirtle": "Uncommon", "Wartortle": "Rare", "Blastoise": "Super Rare", "Psyduck": "Common", "Golduck": "Uncommon", "Poliwag": "Common", "Poliwhirl": "Uncommon", "Poliwrath": "Rare", "Tentacool": "Uncommon", "Tentacruel": "Rare", "Slowpoke": "Uncommon", "Slowbro": "Rare", "Seel": "Common", "Dewgong": "Rare", "Shellder": "Common", "Cloyster": "Rare", "Krabby": "Common", "Kingler": "Rare", "Horsea": "Common", "Seadra": "Uncommon", "Goldeen": "Common", "Seaking": "Rare", "Staryu": "Common", "Starmie": "Rare", "Magikarp": "Common", "Gyarados": "Rare", "Lapras": "Super Rare", "Vaporeon": "Super Rare", "Omanyte": "Uncommon", "Omastar": "Super Rare", "Kabuto": "Uncommon", "Kabutops": "Super Rare", "Totodile": "Uncommon", "Croconaw": "Rare", "Feraligatr": "Super Rare", "Chinchou": "Common", "Lanturn": "Rare", "Marill": "Uncommon", "Azumarill": "Rare", "Politoed": "Rare", "Wooper": "Common", "Quagsire": "Uncommon", "Slowking": "Rare", "Qwilfish": "Uncommon", "Corsola": "Rare", "Remoraid": "Uncommon", "Octillery": "Rare", "Mantine": "Rare", "Kingdra": "Super Rare", "Suicune": "Legendary", "Mudkip": "Uncommon", "Marshtomp": "Rare", "Swampert": "Super Rare", "Lotad": "Common", "Lombre": "Uncommon", "Ludicolo": "Rare", "Wingull": "Common", "Pelipper": "Uncommon", "Surskit": "Common", "Carvanha": "Uncommon", "Sharpedo": "Rare", "Wailmer": "Common", "Wailord": "Super Rare", "Barboach": "Common", "Whiscash": "Uncommon", "Corphish": "Common", "Crawdaunt": "Uncommon", "Feebas": "Uncommon", "Milotic": "Super Rare", "Spheal": "Common", "Sealeo": "Uncommon", "Walrein": "Super Rare", "Clamperl": "Common", "Huntail": "Rare", "Gorebyss": "Rare", "Relicanth": "Rare", "Luvdisc": "Uncommon", "Kyogre": "Legendary", "Piplup": "Uncommon", "Prinplup": "Rare", "Empoleon": "Super Rare", "Bibarel": "Uncommon", "Buizel": "Common", "Floatzel": "Rare", "Shellos": "Uncommon", "Gastrodon": "Rare", "Finneon": "Common", "Lumineon": "Rare", "Mantyke": "Rare", "Palkia": "Legendary", "Phione": "Legendary", "Manaphy": "Legendary", "Oshawott": "Uncommon", "Dewott": "Rare", "Samurott": "Super Rare", "Panpour": "Uncommon", "Simipour": "Rare", "Tympole": "Uncommon", "Palpitoad": "Rare", "Seismitoad": "Super Rare", "Basculin": "Uncommon", "Tirtouga": "Uncommon", "Carracosta": "Super Rare", "Ducklett": "Common", "Swanna": "Uncommon", "Frillish": "Uncommon", "Jellicent": "Rare", "Alomomola": "Rare", "Keldeo": "Legendary", "Froakie": "Uncommon", "Frogadier": "Rare", "Greninja": "Super Rare", "Binacle": "Uncommon", "Barbaracle": "Rare", "Skrelp": "Rare", "Clauncher": "Uncommon", "Clawitzer": "Rare", "Volcanion": "Legendary", "Popplio": "Uncommon", "Brionne": "Rare", "Primarina": "Super Rare", "Wishiwashi": "Rare", "Mareanie": "Rare", "Toxapex": "Super Rare", "Dewpider": "Uncommon", "Araquanid": "Rare", "Wimpod": "Rare", "Golisopod": "Super Rare", "Pyukumuku": "Rare", "Bruxish": "Uncommon", "Tapu-Fini": "Legendary", "Sobble": "Uncommon", "Drizzile": "Rare", "Inteleon": "Super Rare", "Ash-Greninja": "Super Rare", "Arceus-Water": "Legendary", "Primal-Kyogre": "Legendary", "Keldeo-Resolute": "Legendary", "Rotom-Wash": "Super Rare" }

Charlie1093 commented 7 months ago

image Here is the .exe file and i have it all in my local drive downloads file, do u need anymore info to look into this?

Charlie1093 commented 6 months ago

Hey any updates on this?

MehulKhanna commented 6 months ago

Hey any updates on this?

Another mac user encountered this issue but we weren't able to find the fix. Now that I know this is also an issue on windows I will look into this further.

MehulKhanna commented 6 months ago

Hey any updates on this?

Can you try running the exe as an administrator?

MehulKhanna commented 6 months ago



After doing everything this is what i got

this is my folder with the executable file out side of the folder image

My config.json file { "Clients": [ { "Token": "abcd", "ChannelID": "1190503529077551226", "FishChannelID": "1190503748968132639", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": true, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 250, "ub": 25, "mb": 0 } }, { "Token": "xyz", "ChannelID": "1190521484704239698", "FishChannelID": "1190521511958818876", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": false, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "pb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "db", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 25, "ub": 5, "mb": 0 } } ] }

and here is my fishes.json file { "Squirtle": "Uncommon", "Wartortle": "Rare", "Blastoise": "Super Rare", "Psyduck": "Common", "Golduck": "Uncommon", "Poliwag": "Common", "Poliwhirl": "Uncommon", "Poliwrath": "Rare", "Tentacool": "Uncommon", "Tentacruel": "Rare", "Slowpoke": "Uncommon", "Slowbro": "Rare", "Seel": "Common", "Dewgong": "Rare", "Shellder": "Common", "Cloyster": "Rare", "Krabby": "Common", "Kingler": "Rare", "Horsea": "Common", "Seadra": "Uncommon", "Goldeen": "Common", "Seaking": "Rare", "Staryu": "Common", "Starmie": "Rare", "Magikarp": "Common", "Gyarados": "Rare", "Lapras": "Super Rare", "Vaporeon": "Super Rare", "Omanyte": "Uncommon", "Omastar": "Super Rare", "Kabuto": "Uncommon", "Kabutops": "Super Rare", "Totodile": "Uncommon", "Croconaw": "Rare", "Feraligatr": "Super Rare", "Chinchou": "Common", "Lanturn": "Rare", "Marill": "Uncommon", "Azumarill": "Rare", "Politoed": "Rare", "Wooper": "Common", "Quagsire": "Uncommon", "Slowking": "Rare", "Qwilfish": "Uncommon", "Corsola": "Rare", "Remoraid": "Uncommon", "Octillery": "Rare", "Mantine": "Rare", "Kingdra": "Super Rare", "Suicune": "Legendary", "Mudkip": "Uncommon", "Marshtomp": "Rare", "Swampert": "Super Rare", "Lotad": "Common", "Lombre": "Uncommon", "Ludicolo": "Rare", "Wingull": "Common", "Pelipper": "Uncommon", "Surskit": "Common", "Carvanha": "Uncommon", "Sharpedo": "Rare", "Wailmer": "Common", "Wailord": "Super Rare", "Barboach": "Common", "Whiscash": "Uncommon", "Corphish": "Common", "Crawdaunt": "Uncommon", "Feebas": "Uncommon", "Milotic": "Super Rare", "Spheal": "Common", "Sealeo": "Uncommon", "Walrein": "Super Rare", "Clamperl": "Common", "Huntail": "Rare", "Gorebyss": "Rare", "Relicanth": "Rare", "Luvdisc": "Uncommon", "Kyogre": "Legendary", "Piplup": "Uncommon", "Prinplup": "Rare", "Empoleon": "Super Rare", "Bibarel": "Uncommon", "Buizel": "Common", "Floatzel": "Rare", "Shellos": "Uncommon", "Gastrodon": "Rare", "Finneon": "Common", "Lumineon": "Rare", "Mantyke": "Rare", "Palkia": "Legendary", "Phione": "Legendary", "Manaphy": "Legendary", "Oshawott": "Uncommon", "Dewott": "Rare", "Samurott": "Super Rare", "Panpour": "Uncommon", "Simipour": "Rare", "Tympole": "Uncommon", "Palpitoad": "Rare", "Seismitoad": "Super Rare", "Basculin": "Uncommon", "Tirtouga": "Uncommon", "Carracosta": "Super Rare", "Ducklett": "Common", "Swanna": "Uncommon", "Frillish": "Uncommon", "Jellicent": "Rare", "Alomomola": "Rare", "Keldeo": "Legendary", "Froakie": "Uncommon", "Frogadier": "Rare", "Greninja": "Super Rare", "Binacle": "Uncommon", "Barbaracle": "Rare", "Skrelp": "Rare", "Clauncher": "Uncommon", "Clawitzer": "Rare", "Volcanion": "Legendary", "Popplio": "Uncommon", "Brionne": "Rare", "Primarina": "Super Rare", "Wishiwashi": "Rare", "Mareanie": "Rare", "Toxapex": "Super Rare", "Dewpider": "Uncommon", "Araquanid": "Rare", "Wimpod": "Rare", "Golisopod": "Super Rare", "Pyukumuku": "Rare", "Bruxish": "Uncommon", "Tapu-Fini": "Legendary", "Sobble": "Uncommon", "Drizzile": "Rare", "Inteleon": "Super Rare", "Ash-Greninja": "Super Rare", "Arceus-Water": "Legendary", "Primal-Kyogre": "Legendary", "Keldeo-Resolute": "Legendary", "Rotom-Wash": "Super Rare" }

Executable, config.json and fishes.json should be in the same folder

Charlie1093 commented 6 months ago



After doing everything this is what i got

this is my folder with the executable file out side of the folder image

My config.json file { "Clients": [ { "Token": "abcd", "ChannelID": "1190503529077551226", "FishChannelID": "1190503748968132639", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": true, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 250, "ub": 25, "mb": 0 } }, { "Token": "xyz", "ChannelID": "1190521484704239698", "FishChannelID": "1190521511958818876", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": false, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "pb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "db", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 25, "ub": 5, "mb": 0 } } ] }

and here is my fishes.json file { "Squirtle": "Uncommon", "Wartortle": "Rare", "Blastoise": "Super Rare", "Psyduck": "Common", "Golduck": "Uncommon", "Poliwag": "Common", "Poliwhirl": "Uncommon", "Poliwrath": "Rare", "Tentacool": "Uncommon", "Tentacruel": "Rare", "Slowpoke": "Uncommon", "Slowbro": "Rare", "Seel": "Common", "Dewgong": "Rare", "Shellder": "Common", "Cloyster": "Rare", "Krabby": "Common", "Kingler": "Rare", "Horsea": "Common", "Seadra": "Uncommon", "Goldeen": "Common", "Seaking": "Rare", "Staryu": "Common", "Starmie": "Rare", "Magikarp": "Common", "Gyarados": "Rare", "Lapras": "Super Rare", "Vaporeon": "Super Rare", "Omanyte": "Uncommon", "Omastar": "Super Rare", "Kabuto": "Uncommon", "Kabutops": "Super Rare", "Totodile": "Uncommon", "Croconaw": "Rare", "Feraligatr": "Super Rare", "Chinchou": "Common", "Lanturn": "Rare", "Marill": "Uncommon", "Azumarill": "Rare", "Politoed": "Rare", "Wooper": "Common", "Quagsire": "Uncommon", "Slowking": "Rare", "Qwilfish": "Uncommon", "Corsola": "Rare", "Remoraid": "Uncommon", "Octillery": "Rare", "Mantine": "Rare", "Kingdra": "Super Rare", "Suicune": "Legendary", "Mudkip": "Uncommon", "Marshtomp": "Rare", "Swampert": "Super Rare", "Lotad": "Common", "Lombre": "Uncommon", "Ludicolo": "Rare", "Wingull": "Common", "Pelipper": "Uncommon", "Surskit": "Common", "Carvanha": "Uncommon", "Sharpedo": "Rare", "Wailmer": "Common", "Wailord": "Super Rare", "Barboach": "Common", "Whiscash": "Uncommon", "Corphish": "Common", "Crawdaunt": "Uncommon", "Feebas": "Uncommon", "Milotic": "Super Rare", "Spheal": "Common", "Sealeo": "Uncommon", "Walrein": "Super Rare", "Clamperl": "Common", "Huntail": "Rare", "Gorebyss": "Rare", "Relicanth": "Rare", "Luvdisc": "Uncommon", "Kyogre": "Legendary", "Piplup": "Uncommon", "Prinplup": "Rare", "Empoleon": "Super Rare", "Bibarel": "Uncommon", "Buizel": "Common", "Floatzel": "Rare", "Shellos": "Uncommon", "Gastrodon": "Rare", "Finneon": "Common", "Lumineon": "Rare", "Mantyke": "Rare", "Palkia": "Legendary", "Phione": "Legendary", "Manaphy": "Legendary", "Oshawott": "Uncommon", "Dewott": "Rare", "Samurott": "Super Rare", "Panpour": "Uncommon", "Simipour": "Rare", "Tympole": "Uncommon", "Palpitoad": "Rare", "Seismitoad": "Super Rare", "Basculin": "Uncommon", "Tirtouga": "Uncommon", "Carracosta": "Super Rare", "Ducklett": "Common", "Swanna": "Uncommon", "Frillish": "Uncommon", "Jellicent": "Rare", "Alomomola": "Rare", "Keldeo": "Legendary", "Froakie": "Uncommon", "Frogadier": "Rare", "Greninja": "Super Rare", "Binacle": "Uncommon", "Barbaracle": "Rare", "Skrelp": "Rare", "Clauncher": "Uncommon", "Clawitzer": "Rare", "Volcanion": "Legendary", "Popplio": "Uncommon", "Brionne": "Rare", "Primarina": "Super Rare", "Wishiwashi": "Rare", "Mareanie": "Rare", "Toxapex": "Super Rare", "Dewpider": "Uncommon", "Araquanid": "Rare", "Wimpod": "Rare", "Golisopod": "Super Rare", "Pyukumuku": "Rare", "Bruxish": "Uncommon", "Tapu-Fini": "Legendary", "Sobble": "Uncommon", "Drizzile": "Rare", "Inteleon": "Super Rare", "Ash-Greninja": "Super Rare", "Arceus-Water": "Legendary", "Primal-Kyogre": "Legendary", "Keldeo-Resolute": "Legendary", "Rotom-Wash": "Super Rare" }

Executable, config.json and fishes.json should be in the same folder

Oh okay, it works now thanks

Charlie1093 commented 6 months ago

Now it works but doesn't solve captcha, it says failed downloading image and doesn't solve the captcha

MehulKhanna commented 6 months ago

Now it works but doesn't solve captcha, it says failed downloading image and doesn't solve the captcha

Can you paste the error here please

AloW0304 commented 6 months ago

image image After doing everything this is what i got this is my folder with the executable file out side of the folder image My config.json file { "Clients": [ { "Token": "abcd", "ChannelID": "1190503529077551226", "FishChannelID": "1190503748968132639", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": true, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 250, "ub": 25, "mb": 0 } }, { "Token": "xyz", "ChannelID": "1190521484704239698", "FishChannelID": "1190521511958818876", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": false, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "pb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "db", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 25, "ub": 5, "mb": 0 } } ] } and here is my fishes.json file { "Squirtle": "Uncommon", "Wartortle": "Rare", "Blastoise": "Super Rare", "Psyduck": "Common", "Golduck": "Uncommon", "Poliwag": "Common", "Poliwhirl": "Uncommon", "Poliwrath": "Rare", "Tentacool": "Uncommon", "Tentacruel": "Rare", "Slowpoke": "Uncommon", "Slowbro": "Rare", "Seel": "Common", "Dewgong": "Rare", "Shellder": "Common", "Cloyster": "Rare", "Krabby": "Common", "Kingler": "Rare", "Horsea": "Common", "Seadra": "Uncommon", "Goldeen": "Common", "Seaking": "Rare", "Staryu": "Common", "Starmie": "Rare", "Magikarp": "Common", "Gyarados": "Rare", "Lapras": "Super Rare", "Vaporeon": "Super Rare", "Omanyte": "Uncommon", "Omastar": "Super Rare", "Kabuto": "Uncommon", "Kabutops": "Super Rare", "Totodile": "Uncommon", "Croconaw": "Rare", "Feraligatr": "Super Rare", "Chinchou": "Common", "Lanturn": "Rare", "Marill": "Uncommon", "Azumarill": "Rare", "Politoed": "Rare", "Wooper": "Common", "Quagsire": "Uncommon", "Slowking": "Rare", "Qwilfish": "Uncommon", "Corsola": "Rare", "Remoraid": "Uncommon", "Octillery": "Rare", "Mantine": "Rare", "Kingdra": "Super Rare", "Suicune": "Legendary", "Mudkip": "Uncommon", "Marshtomp": "Rare", "Swampert": "Super Rare", "Lotad": "Common", "Lombre": "Uncommon", "Ludicolo": "Rare", "Wingull": "Common", "Pelipper": "Uncommon", "Surskit": "Common", "Carvanha": "Uncommon", "Sharpedo": "Rare", "Wailmer": "Common", "Wailord": "Super Rare", "Barboach": "Common", "Whiscash": "Uncommon", "Corphish": "Common", "Crawdaunt": "Uncommon", "Feebas": "Uncommon", "Milotic": "Super Rare", "Spheal": "Common", "Sealeo": "Uncommon", "Walrein": "Super Rare", "Clamperl": "Common", "Huntail": "Rare", "Gorebyss": "Rare", "Relicanth": "Rare", "Luvdisc": "Uncommon", "Kyogre": "Legendary", "Piplup": "Uncommon", "Prinplup": "Rare", "Empoleon": "Super Rare", "Bibarel": "Uncommon", "Buizel": "Common", "Floatzel": "Rare", "Shellos": "Uncommon", "Gastrodon": "Rare", "Finneon": "Common", "Lumineon": "Rare", "Mantyke": "Rare", "Palkia": "Legendary", "Phione": "Legendary", "Manaphy": "Legendary", "Oshawott": "Uncommon", "Dewott": "Rare", "Samurott": "Super Rare", "Panpour": "Uncommon", "Simipour": "Rare", "Tympole": "Uncommon", "Palpitoad": "Rare", "Seismitoad": "Super Rare", "Basculin": "Uncommon", "Tirtouga": "Uncommon", "Carracosta": "Super Rare", "Ducklett": "Common", "Swanna": "Uncommon", "Frillish": "Uncommon", "Jellicent": "Rare", "Alomomola": "Rare", "Keldeo": "Legendary", "Froakie": "Uncommon", "Frogadier": "Rare", "Greninja": "Super Rare", "Binacle": "Uncommon", "Barbaracle": "Rare", "Skrelp": "Rare", "Clauncher": "Uncommon", "Clawitzer": "Rare", "Volcanion": "Legendary", "Popplio": "Uncommon", "Brionne": "Rare", "Primarina": "Super Rare", "Wishiwashi": "Rare", "Mareanie": "Rare", "Toxapex": "Super Rare", "Dewpider": "Uncommon", "Araquanid": "Rare", "Wimpod": "Rare", "Golisopod": "Super Rare", "Pyukumuku": "Rare", "Bruxish": "Uncommon", "Tapu-Fini": "Legendary", "Sobble": "Uncommon", "Drizzile": "Rare", "Inteleon": "Super Rare", "Ash-Greninja": "Super Rare", "Arceus-Water": "Legendary", "Primal-Kyogre": "Legendary", "Keldeo-Resolute": "Legendary", "Rotom-Wash": "Super Rare" }

Executable, config.json and fishes.json should be in the same folder

image Is this fine? Or should it be in its own folder inside this one?

MehulKhanna commented 6 months ago

image image After doing everything this is what i got this is my folder with the executable file out side of the folder image My config.json file { "Clients": [ { "Token": "abcd", "ChannelID": "1190503529077551226", "FishChannelID": "1190503748968132639", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": true, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 250, "ub": 25, "mb": 0 } }, { "Token": "xyz", "ChannelID": "1190521484704239698", "FishChannelID": "1190521511958818876", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": false, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "pb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "db", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 25, "ub": 5, "mb": 0 } } ] } and here is my fishes.json file { "Squirtle": "Uncommon", "Wartortle": "Rare", "Blastoise": "Super Rare", "Psyduck": "Common", "Golduck": "Uncommon", "Poliwag": "Common", "Poliwhirl": "Uncommon", "Poliwrath": "Rare", "Tentacool": "Uncommon", "Tentacruel": "Rare", "Slowpoke": "Uncommon", "Slowbro": "Rare", "Seel": "Common", "Dewgong": "Rare", "Shellder": "Common", "Cloyster": "Rare", "Krabby": "Common", "Kingler": "Rare", "Horsea": "Common", "Seadra": "Uncommon", "Goldeen": "Common", "Seaking": "Rare", "Staryu": "Common", "Starmie": "Rare", "Magikarp": "Common", "Gyarados": "Rare", "Lapras": "Super Rare", "Vaporeon": "Super Rare", "Omanyte": "Uncommon", "Omastar": "Super Rare", "Kabuto": "Uncommon", "Kabutops": "Super Rare", "Totodile": "Uncommon", "Croconaw": "Rare", "Feraligatr": "Super Rare", "Chinchou": "Common", "Lanturn": "Rare", "Marill": "Uncommon", "Azumarill": "Rare", "Politoed": "Rare", "Wooper": "Common", "Quagsire": "Uncommon", "Slowking": "Rare", "Qwilfish": "Uncommon", "Corsola": "Rare", "Remoraid": "Uncommon", "Octillery": "Rare", "Mantine": "Rare", "Kingdra": "Super Rare", "Suicune": "Legendary", "Mudkip": "Uncommon", "Marshtomp": "Rare", "Swampert": "Super Rare", "Lotad": "Common", "Lombre": "Uncommon", "Ludicolo": "Rare", "Wingull": "Common", "Pelipper": "Uncommon", "Surskit": "Common", "Carvanha": "Uncommon", "Sharpedo": "Rare", "Wailmer": "Common", "Wailord": "Super Rare", "Barboach": "Common", "Whiscash": "Uncommon", "Corphish": "Common", "Crawdaunt": "Uncommon", "Feebas": "Uncommon", "Milotic": "Super Rare", "Spheal": "Common", "Sealeo": "Uncommon", "Walrein": "Super Rare", "Clamperl": "Common", "Huntail": "Rare", "Gorebyss": "Rare", "Relicanth": "Rare", "Luvdisc": "Uncommon", "Kyogre": "Legendary", "Piplup": "Uncommon", "Prinplup": "Rare", "Empoleon": "Super Rare", "Bibarel": "Uncommon", "Buizel": "Common", "Floatzel": "Rare", "Shellos": "Uncommon", "Gastrodon": "Rare", "Finneon": "Common", "Lumineon": "Rare", "Mantyke": "Rare", "Palkia": "Legendary", "Phione": "Legendary", "Manaphy": "Legendary", "Oshawott": "Uncommon", "Dewott": "Rare", "Samurott": "Super Rare", "Panpour": "Uncommon", "Simipour": "Rare", "Tympole": "Uncommon", "Palpitoad": "Rare", "Seismitoad": "Super Rare", "Basculin": "Uncommon", "Tirtouga": "Uncommon", "Carracosta": "Super Rare", "Ducklett": "Common", "Swanna": "Uncommon", "Frillish": "Uncommon", "Jellicent": "Rare", "Alomomola": "Rare", "Keldeo": "Legendary", "Froakie": "Uncommon", "Frogadier": "Rare", "Greninja": "Super Rare", "Binacle": "Uncommon", "Barbaracle": "Rare", "Skrelp": "Rare", "Clauncher": "Uncommon", "Clawitzer": "Rare", "Volcanion": "Legendary", "Popplio": "Uncommon", "Brionne": "Rare", "Primarina": "Super Rare", "Wishiwashi": "Rare", "Mareanie": "Rare", "Toxapex": "Super Rare", "Dewpider": "Uncommon", "Araquanid": "Rare", "Wimpod": "Rare", "Golisopod": "Super Rare", "Pyukumuku": "Rare", "Bruxish": "Uncommon", "Tapu-Fini": "Legendary", "Sobble": "Uncommon", "Drizzile": "Rare", "Inteleon": "Super Rare", "Ash-Greninja": "Super Rare", "Arceus-Water": "Legendary", "Primal-Kyogre": "Legendary", "Keldeo-Resolute": "Legendary", "Rotom-Wash": "Super Rare" }

Executable, config.json and fishes.json should be in the same folder

image Is this fine? Or should it be in its own folder inside this one?

Yes this is fine

AloW0304 commented 6 months ago

/Users//Downloads/PokeGrinder-2.3/Executable ; exit;
@__Air ~ % /Users/___/Downloads/PokeGrinder-2.3/Executable ; exit; error when unmarshalling fishes.json, unexpected end of JSON input error when unmarshalling config, unexpected end of JSON input Starting sessions... PokeGrinder is running, press CTRL+C to exit!

this is the error I get

AloW0304 commented 6 months ago

image config.json image fishes.json

AloW0304 commented 6 months ago


image image After doing everything this is what i got this is my folder with the executable file out side of the folder image My config.json file { "Clients": [ { "Token": "abcd", "ChannelID": "1190503529077551226", "FishChannelID": "1190503748968132639", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": true, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 250, "ub": 25, "mb": 0 } }, { "Token": "xyz", "ChannelID": "1190521484704239698", "FishChannelID": "1190521511958818876", "Hunting": true, "Fishing": false, "Balls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "pb", "Rare": "gb", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "mb", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "FishBalls": { "Common": "pb", "Uncommon": "gb", "Rare": "ub", "Super Rare": "ub", "Legendary": "db", "Shiny": "mb", "Shiny Event": "mb", "Shiny Full-odds": "prb" }, "AutoBuy": { "pb": 50, "gb": 25, "ub": 5, "mb": 0 } } ] } and here is my fishes.json file { "Squirtle": "Uncommon", "Wartortle": "Rare", "Blastoise": "Super Rare", "Psyduck": "Common", "Golduck": "Uncommon", "Poliwag": "Common", "Poliwhirl": "Uncommon", "Poliwrath": "Rare", "Tentacool": "Uncommon", "Tentacruel": "Rare", "Slowpoke": "Uncommon", "Slowbro": "Rare", "Seel": "Common", "Dewgong": "Rare", "Shellder": "Common", "Cloyster": "Rare", "Krabby": "Common", "Kingler": "Rare", "Horsea": "Common", "Seadra": "Uncommon", "Goldeen": "Common", "Seaking": "Rare", "Staryu": "Common", "Starmie": "Rare", "Magikarp": "Common", "Gyarados": "Rare", "Lapras": "Super Rare", "Vaporeon": "Super Rare", "Omanyte": "Uncommon", "Omastar": "Super Rare", "Kabuto": "Uncommon", "Kabutops": "Super Rare", "Totodile": "Uncommon", "Croconaw": "Rare", "Feraligatr": "Super Rare", "Chinchou": "Common", "Lanturn": "Rare", "Marill": "Uncommon", "Azumarill": "Rare", "Politoed": "Rare", "Wooper": "Common", "Quagsire": "Uncommon", "Slowking": "Rare", "Qwilfish": "Uncommon", "Corsola": "Rare", "Remoraid": "Uncommon", "Octillery": "Rare", "Mantine": "Rare", "Kingdra": "Super Rare", "Suicune": "Legendary", "Mudkip": "Uncommon", "Marshtomp": "Rare", "Swampert": "Super Rare", "Lotad": "Common", "Lombre": "Uncommon", "Ludicolo": "Rare", "Wingull": "Common", "Pelipper": "Uncommon", "Surskit": "Common", "Carvanha": "Uncommon", "Sharpedo": "Rare", "Wailmer": "Common", "Wailord": "Super Rare", "Barboach": "Common", "Whiscash": "Uncommon", "Corphish": "Common", "Crawdaunt": "Uncommon", "Feebas": "Uncommon", "Milotic": "Super Rare", "Spheal": "Common", "Sealeo": "Uncommon", "Walrein": "Super Rare", "Clamperl": "Common", "Huntail": "Rare", "Gorebyss": "Rare", "Relicanth": "Rare", "Luvdisc": "Uncommon", "Kyogre": "Legendary", "Piplup": "Uncommon", "Prinplup": "Rare", "Empoleon": "Super Rare", "Bibarel": "Uncommon", "Buizel": "Common", "Floatzel": "Rare", "Shellos": "Uncommon", "Gastrodon": "Rare", "Finneon": "Common", "Lumineon": "Rare", "Mantyke": "Rare", "Palkia": "Legendary", "Phione": "Legendary", "Manaphy": "Legendary", "Oshawott": "Uncommon", "Dewott": "Rare", "Samurott": "Super Rare", "Panpour": "Uncommon", "Simipour": "Rare", "Tympole": "Uncommon", "Palpitoad": "Rare", "Seismitoad": "Super Rare", "Basculin": "Uncommon", "Tirtouga": "Uncommon", "Carracosta": "Super Rare", "Ducklett": "Common", "Swanna": "Uncommon", "Frillish": "Uncommon", "Jellicent": "Rare", "Alomomola": "Rare", "Keldeo": "Legendary", "Froakie": "Uncommon", "Frogadier": "Rare", "Greninja": "Super Rare", "Binacle": "Uncommon", "Barbaracle": "Rare", "Skrelp": "Rare", "Clauncher": "Uncommon", "Clawitzer": "Rare", "Volcanion": "Legendary", "Popplio": "Uncommon", "Brionne": "Rare", "Primarina": "Super Rare", "Wishiwashi": "Rare", "Mareanie": "Rare", "Toxapex": "Super Rare", "Dewpider": "Uncommon", "Araquanid": "Rare", "Wimpod": "Rare", "Golisopod": "Super Rare", "Pyukumuku": "Rare", "Bruxish": "Uncommon", "Tapu-Fini": "Legendary", "Sobble": "Uncommon", "Drizzile": "Rare", "Inteleon": "Super Rare", "Ash-Greninja": "Super Rare", "Arceus-Water": "Legendary", "Primal-Kyogre": "Legendary", "Keldeo-Resolute": "Legendary", "Rotom-Wash": "Super Rare" }

Executable, config.json and fishes.json should be in the same folder

image Is this fine? Or should it be in its own folder inside this one?

Yes this is fine

anything wrong with my two json files I posted above?

here is the error i get Users/___/Downloads/PokeGrinder-2.3/Executable ; exit; @__Air ~ % /Users/----------/Downloads/PokeGrinder-2.3/Executable ; exit; error when unmarshalling fishes.json, unexpected end of JSON input error when unmarshalling config, unexpected end of JSON input Starting sessions... PokeGrinder is running, press CTRL+C to exit!