Meituan-Dianping / Robust

Robust is an Android HotFix solution with high compatibility and high stability. Robust can fix bugs immediately without a reboot.
Apache License 2.0
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实在找不出问题所在,wrong with mappingfile ,cannot find class com.yy.robust.RobustActivity in mapping file #406

Open dev-yangyang opened 4 years ago

dev-yangyang commented 4 years ago

android studio 3.6.3 gradle 3.6.3 写了个小demo,两个activity,一个MainActivity 和 RobustActivity,第一步生成apk的时候没有问题,但是在生成的mapping.txt文件中却找不到RobustActivity相关的信息.所以在第二步修改了RobustActivity之后,生成补丁的时候,就会报错 something wrong with mappingfile ,cannot find class com.yy.robust.RobustActivity in mapping file.错误


xuanchaoLiu commented 4 years ago

我也出现了这个问题 gradle 版本 再3.6以下就没有问题

imurluck commented 3 years ago
