Melapress / admin-notices-manager

Admin notices manager is a WordPress plugin that allows you to better manage the admin notices in the WordPress dashboard so you read them at your own convenience and never miss an important message.
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Integrate ANM as a WSAL notification outlet #13

Open DannyWPWS opened 4 years ago

DannyWPWS commented 4 years ago

Had this idea over the weekend - thought id note it down in case its of any use in future.

Currently in WSAL as user can setup custom notifications to be send to there email/sms - we could add ANM as an option also I think. If the user doesn't have ANM installed, we could show a notice or such in wp-admin/admin.php?page=wsal-np-notifications telling users they can have there notification appear as an admin notification

As we can do the same when creating a custom notification also wp-admin/admin.php?page=wsal-np-addnotification

I think it could help promote the plugin etc as having any events the user is interested in appears as admin notifications could be useful for some.