Hi, I am trying to communicate with an HID device (STM32). At the moment I have to transmit 256 bytes (including ReportID) from my PC, which represents the device's status request. The device must in turn respond with another 256 bytes. I manage to initialise everything without any problems, the error occurs when I try to send the 256 bytes, telling me:
System.IO.IOException: ‘An error occurred while attempting to write to the device’
This exception was originally generated in the following call stack:
System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy.WriteToNonSeekableAsync(System.ReadOnlyMemory<byte>, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
Hid.Net.Windows.WindowsHidHandler.WriteReportAsync(byte[], byte, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
Hid.Net.HidDevice.WriteReportAsync(byte[], byte, System.Threading.CancellationToken).
Full code
using Device.Net;
using Hid.Net.Windows;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace MauiApp_Test_Usb
public class UsbManager
private static IDevice markDevice;
private TransferResult readBuffer;
public async Task InitializeUsbAsync()
var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create((builder) =>
_ = builder.AddDebug().SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace);
// Definisci i device che l'app deve cercare
var hidFactory = new FilterDeviceDefinition(vendorId: 0x0483, productId: 0x5750).CreateWindowsHidDeviceFactory(loggerFactory);
//Get connected device definitions
var deviceDefinitions = (await hidFactory.GetConnectedDeviceDefinitionsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).ToList();
if (deviceDefinitions.Count == 0)
//No devices were found
//Get the device from its definition
markDevice = await hidFactory.GetDeviceAsync(deviceDefinitions.First()).ConfigureAwait(false);
public bool GetIsInitialized()
return markDevice.IsInitialized;
public TransferResult GetReadBuffer()
return readBuffer;
public async void sendStatus()
//Create the request buffer
var buffer = new byte[256];
buffer[0] = 0x02;
buffer[1] = 0x01;
//Write and read the data to the device
var readBuffer = await markDevice.WriteAndReadAsync(buffer).ConfigureAwait(false); // <-- ERROR HERE
Messaggio=An error occurred while attempting to write to the device
Analisi dello stack:
in Hid.Net.HidDevice.<WriteReportAsync>d__22.MoveNext()
in Device.Net.DeviceBase.<WriteAndReadAsync>d__15.MoveNext()
in MauiApp_Test_Usb.UsbManager.<sendStatus>d__5.MoveNext() in C:\Users\simonebenincasa\Documents\Progetti visual studio\MauiApp Test Usb\MauiApp Test Usb\usbManager.cs: riga 53
Questa eccezione è stata generata in origine nello stack di chiamate seguente:
System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy.WriteToNonSeekableAsync(System.ReadOnlyMemory<byte>, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
Hid.Net.Windows.WindowsHidHandler.WriteReportAsync(byte[], byte, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
Hid.Net.HidDevice.WriteReportAsync(byte[], byte, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
Eccezione interna 1:
IOException: Parametro non corretto.
The app must be cross-platform for Android, Windows, MacOS and iOS. To do this I am using the .net MAUI platform.
Hi, I am trying to communicate with an HID device (STM32). At the moment I have to transmit 256 bytes (including ReportID) from my PC, which represents the device's status request. The device must in turn respond with another 256 bytes. I manage to initialise everything without any problems, the error occurs when I try to send the 256 bytes, telling me:
Full code
The app must be cross-platform for Android, Windows, MacOS and iOS. To do this I am using the .net MAUI platform.
Thank you in advance for your support