Meldexun / Nothirium

33 stars 6 forks source link

Major fps drops #4

Closed freopt closed 2 years ago

freopt commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Getting large fps drops with Nothirium installed, without it I can usually get around stable 50-60.

To Reproduce Create world walk around


with nothirium:


Versions Nothirium: 0.1.1-beta RenderLib: 1.0.5 Forge: Minecraft: 1.12.2 Other mods (necessary to reproduce the bug):

minecraft - Minecraft - 1.12.2
mcp - Minecraft Coder Pack - 9.42
ic2patcher-core - IC2 Patcher Core - 1.0
FML - Forge Mod Loader -
forge - Minecraft Forge -
creativecoredummy - CreativeCoreDummy - 1.0.0
ivtoolkit - IvToolkit - 1.3.3-1.12
littletilescore - LittleTilesCore - 1.0.0
persistency - Persistency - 1.2.0
reachfix - Reach Fix - 1.0.5
mixinbooter - MixinBooter - 4.2
openmodscore - OpenModsLib Core - 0.12.2
foamfixcore - FoamFixCore - 7.7.4
opencomputers|core - OpenComputers (Core) -
randompatches - RandomPatches - 1.12.2-
witchery - Witchery: Resurrected - 1.12.2-
crafttweaker - CraftTweaker2 - 4.1.20
endertweaker - EnderTweaker - 1.2.3
mtlib - MTLib - 3.0.7
modtweaker - Mod Tweaker - 4.0.19
jei - Had Enough Items - 4.22.0
abyssalcraft - AbyssalCraft - 1.10.4
ctm - CTM - MC1.12.2-
roots - Roots - 1.12.2-3.1.4
mysticalworld - Mystical World - 1.12.2-1.11.0
chisel - Chisel - MC1.12.2-
baubles - Baubles - 1.5.2
endercore - EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.76
thaumcraft - Thaumcraft - 6.1.BETA26
codechickenlib - CodeChicken Lib -
redstoneflux - Redstone Flux - 2.1.1
cofhcore - CoFH Core - 4.6.6
brandonscore - Brandon's Core - 2.4.20
cofhworld - CoFH World - 1.4.0
thermalfoundation - Thermal Foundation - 2.6.7
draconicevolution - Draconic Evolution - 2.3.28
thermalexpansion - Thermal Expansion - 5.5.7
enderio - Ender IO - 5.3.70
enderiointegrationtic - Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct - 5.3.70
mantle - Mantle - 1.12-
botania - Botania - r1.10-364
forgelin - Shadowfacts' Forgelin - 1.8.4
librarianlib - LibrarianLib - 4.22
akashictome - Akashic Tome - 1.2-12
autoreglib - AutoRegLib - 1.3-32
psi - Psi - r1.1-78
rpsideas - Random PSIdeas - 2.4.4
tconstruct - Tinkers' Construct - 1.12.2-
acintegration - AbyssalCraft Integration - 1.11.3
fastbench - FastWorkbench - 1.7.3
actuallyadditions - Actually Additions - 1.12.2-r152
actuallybaubles - Actually Baubles - 1.1
ic2 - IndustrialCraft 2 - 2.8.221-ex112
theoneprobe - The One Probe - 1.4.28
immersiveengineering - Immersive Engineering - 0.12-98
libvulpes - Vulpes library - 0.4.2.-25
advancedrocketry - Advanced Rocketry - 1.12.2-2.0.0-13
aiimprovements - AI Improvements -
aireducer - AI Reducer - 0.3.0
ancientwarfare - Ancient Warfare Core - 1.12.2-
ancientwarfareautomation - Ancient Warfare Automation - 1.12.2-
ancientwarfarenpc - Ancient Warfare NPCs - 1.12.2-
ancientwarfarestructure - Ancient Warfare Structures - 1.12.2-
ancientwarfarevehicle - Ancient Warfare Vehicles - 1.12.2-
cyclicmagic - Cyclic - 1.20.12
modularrouters - Modular Routers - 1.12.2-3.3.0-33
guideapi - Guide-API - 1.12-2.1.8-63
bloodmagic - Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry - 1.12.2-2.4.3-105
animus - Animus - 1
aoa3 - Advent Of Ascension - 3.3.6
placebo - Placebo - 1.6.0
apotheosis - Apotheosis - 1.12.4
appleskin - AppleSkin - 1.0.14
aquaacrobatics - Aqua Acrobatics - 1.14.1
architecturecraft - ArchitectureCraft - @VERSION@
base - B.A.S.E - 3.14.0
contenttweaker - ContentTweaker - 1.12.2-4.10.0
conarm - Construct's Armory -
extrabotany - ExtraBotany - 60
armoryexpansion - Armory Expansion - 2.0.0-alpha
armoryexpansion-custommaterials - Armory Expansion - Custom Materials - 2.0.0-alpha
hammercore - Hammer Core -
thaumadditions - Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed - 12.7.8
llibrary - LLibrary - 1.7.20
iceandfire - Ice and Fire: RotN Edition - 1.9.1-1.2.0
armoryexpansion-iceandfire - Armory Expansion - Ice and Fire - 2.0.0-alpha
armoryexpansion-matteroverdrive - Armory Expansion - MatterOverdrive - 2.0.0-alpha
artemislib - ArtemisLib - 1.0.6
astralsorcery - Astral Sorcery - 1.10.27
attributefix - Attribute Fix - 1.0.10
bdlib - BD Lib -
betterbiomeblend - Better Biome Blend - 1.12.2-1.1.7-forge
betterbuilderswands - Better Builder's Wands - 0.13.2
bettercaves - YUNG's Better Caves - 1.12.2
bettermineshafts - YUNG's Better Mineshafts - 1.12.2-2.2.1
biomesoplenty - Biomes O' Plenty -
bloodarsenal - Blood Arsenal - 1.12.2-2.2.2-31
bookshelf - Bookshelf - 2.3.590
bmtr - Bring me the rings! - 0.4
buildinggadgets - Building Gadgets - 2.8.4
chameleon - Chameleon - 1.12-4.1.3
clienttweaks - Client Tweaks - 3.1.11
cucumber - Cucumber Library - 1.1.3
mysticalagriculture - Mystical Agriculture - 1.7.5
mysticalagradditions - Mystical Agradditions - 1.3.2
clochepp - Cloche++ - 1.0.3
thebetweenlands - The Betweenlands - 3.8.1
clochecall - Cloche Call - 1.1.2
cyclopscore - Cyclops Core - 1.6.7
commoncapabilities - CommonCapabilities - 2.4.8
refinedstorage - Refined Storage - 1.6.16
compactmachines3 - Compact Machines 3 - 3.0.18
controlling - Controlling - 3.0.10
craftingtweaks - Crafting Tweaks - 8.1.9
ctgui - CT-GUI - 1.0.0
crafttweakerjei - CraftTweaker JEI Support - 2.0.3
creativecore - CreativeCore - 1.10.0
p455w0rdslib - p455w0rd's Library - 2.3.161
stg - SwingThroughGrass - 1.12.2-1.2.3
mousetweaks - Mouse Tweaks - 2.10.1
danknull - /dank/null - 1.7.101
darkutils - Dark Utilities - 1.8.230
diethopper - Diet Hopper - 1.1
storagedrawers - Storage Drawers - 5.2.2
drawerfps - DrawerFPS - 1.12.2-1.0.0
dupefixproject - DupeFix Project - 3.1.6
dynview - Dynamic View Mod - 1.3
embers - Embers Rekindled - 1.19
enderiobase - Ender IO Base - 5.3.70
enderioconduits - Ender IO Conduits - 5.3.70
enderioconduitsappliedenergistics - Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits - 5.3.70
opencomputers - OpenComputers -
enderioconduitsopencomputers - Ender IO Open Computers Conduits - 5.3.70
enderioconduitsrefinedstorage - Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits - 5.3.70
forestry - Forestry -
enderiointegrationforestry - Ender IO Integration with Forestry - 5.3.70
enderiointegrationticlate - Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct - 5.3.70
enderioinvpanel - Ender IO Inventory Panel - 5.3.70
ftblib - FTB Library -
enderiomachines - Ender IO Machines - 5.3.70
enderiopowertools - Ender IO Powertools - 5.3.70
mcmultipart - MCMultiPart - 2.5.3
mekanism - Mekanism - 1.12.2-
gasconduits - GasConduits - 5.3.70
enderioendergy - Ender IO endergy - 5.3.70
enderstorage - EnderStorage -
entityculling - EntityCulling - 6.0.1-beta
valkyrielib - Valkyrie Lib - 1.12.2-
environmentaltech - Environmental Tech - 1.12.2-
extendedcrafting - ExtendedCrafting: Nomifactory Edition - 1.7.0
extrautils2 - Extra Utilities 2 - 1.0
fluidlogged_api - Fluidlogged API - 1.8.0
fluxnetworks - Flux Networks - 4.1.0
foamfix - FoamFix - 0.10.14-1.12.2
fossil - Fossils and Archeology Revival - 8.0.5
framedcompactdrawers - Framed Compacting Drawers - 1.2.7
ftbultimine - FTB Ultimine - 1202.3.5
ftbbackups - FTB Backups -
ftbutilities - FTB Utilities -
itemfilters - Item Filters -
ftbquests - FTB Quests - 1202.9.0.15
futuremc - Future MC - 0.2.6
gendustry - GenDustry -
gendustryjei - Gendustry JEI Addon - 1.0.2
givemebackmyhp - Give me back my HP! - 1.0.0
gbook - Guidebook - 2.9.5
gunpowderlib - GunpowderLib - 1.12.2-1.1
ic2patcher - IC2 Patcher - 2.0.3
ifpatcher - IFPatcher - 2.0.0
immersivepetroleum - Immersive Petroleum - 1.1.10
incontrol - InControl - 3.9.18
teslacorelib - Tesla Core Lib - 1.0.18
industrialforegoing - Industrial Foregoing - 1.12.2-1.12.2
industrialupgrade - Industrial Upgrade - 2.4_build_17
powerutils - Power Utilites - 1.2
quantum_generators - Quantum Generators - 1.2
simplyquarries - Simply Quarries - 1.3
integrateddynamics - Integrated Dynamics - 1.1.11
integrateddynamicscompat - IntegratedDynamics-Compat - 1.0.0
integratednbt - Integrated NBT - 1.2.2
integratedtunnels - Integrated Tunnels - 1.6.14
integratedtunnelscompat - IntegratedTunnels-Compat - 1.0.0
nuclearcraft - NuclearCraft - 2o.5.5
randomthings - Random Things -
mcjtylib_ng - McJtyLib - 3.5.4
rftools - RFTools - 7.73
integrationforegoing - Integration Foregoing - 1.12.2-1.11
inventorytweaks - Inventory Tweaks - 1.64+dev.151.822d839
ironchest - Iron Chest - 1.12.2-
jaopca - JAOPCA - 1.12.2-
oredictinit - OreDictInit - 1.12.2-
jeibees - JEI Bees -
journeymap - JourneyMap - 1.12.2-5.7.1
justenoughdrags - Just Enough Drags - 1.4-beta.1
jeid - JustEnoughIDs - 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT
justenoughpetroleum - Just Enough Petroleum - 0.1
loottweaker - LootTweaker - 0.3.1
jeresources - Just Enough Resources -
kleeslabs - KleeSlabs - 5.4.12
littletiles - LittleTiles - 1.5.0
spark - spark - 1.5.2
loliasm - LoliASM - 5.3
lootcapacitortooltips - Loot Capacitor Tooltips - 1.3
lunatriuscore - LunatriusCore -
immersivetech - Immersive Technology - 1.9.100
mctsmelteryio - Smeltery IO - 1.2.63
mcwbridges - Macaw's Bridges - 1.0.6
mcwdoors - Macaw's Doors - 1.3
mekanismgenerators - Mekanism: Generators - 1.12.2-
mia - Minor Integrations and Additions - 1.12.2-0.2.2a
modnametooltip - Mod Name Tooltip - 1.10.1
moreoverlays - MoreOverlays - 1.15.1
moretweaker - MoreTweaker - 1.0.19
multiblocked - Multiblock'd - 0.5.6
multithreadednoise - Multithreaded Noise - 0.0.2
patchouli - Patchouli - 1.0-23.6
naturesaura - Nature's Aura - 18.1
naturescompass - Nature's Compass - 1.8.5
nothirium - Nothirium - 0.1.1-beta
oauth - OAuth - 1.06.4
openmods - OpenModsLib - 0.12.2
openblocks - OpenBlocks - 1.8.1
overpoweredarmorbar - Overloaded Armor Bar - @VERSION@
particleculling - Particle Culling - v1.3
performant - performant Mod - 1.12.2-1.5
plustic - PlusTiC - 8.0.5
pneumaticcraft - PneumaticCraft: Repressurized - 1.12.2-0.11.15-398
prodigytech - Prodigious Tech - 1.3.5
qmd - Quantum Minecraft Dynamics - 1.1-beta5
quickleafdecay - Quick Leaf Decay - 1.2.4
randomtweaks - RandomTweaks - 1.12.2-
rats - Rats - 3.2.14
reborncore - Reborn Core - 3.19.5
rebornstorage - RebornStorage - 1.0.0
reccomplex - Recurrent Complex -
refinedstorageaddons - Refined Storage Addons - 0.4.5
renderlib - RenderLib - 1.0.5
requious - Requious Frakto - 1.0
resize - Resizing Potion - 2.2
resourceloader - Resource Loader - 1.5.3
rftoolsdim - RFTools Dimensions - 5.71
rltweaker - RLTweaker - 0.5.2
rsinfinitewireless - RSInfiniteWirelessFork - @version@
rslargepatterns - Refined Storage Large Patterns - 1.12.2-
scannable - Scannable -
schematica - Schematica -
simpletomb - Simple Tomb - 1.12.2-1.0.0
sledgehammer - Sledgehammer - 1.12.2-2.0.17
soot - Soot - 1.10-hotfix
stackie - Stackie -
supersoundmuffler - Super Sound Muffler: Revived -
surge - Surge - 2.0.79
thaumiconeprobe - Thaumic One Probe - 1.0.0
thaumicaugmentation - Thaumic Augmentation - 1.12.2-2.1.5
tcinventoryscan - Thaumcrafft Inventory Scanning - 2.0.10
thaumicjei - ThaumicJEI - 1.6.0
thaumicspeedup - Thaumic Speedup - 4.0
thaumtweaks - ThaumTweaks - 0.3.5
thermaldynamics - Thermal Dynamics - 2.5.6
thermalinnovation - Thermal Innovation - 0.3.6
tidychunk - TidyChunk -
tinkersoredictcache - TinkersOreDictCache - 1.0
tinkertoolleveling - Tinkers Tool Leveling - 1.12.2-1.1.0.DEV.b23e769
tmel - Too Many Efficiency Losses - 1.12.2-
toastcontrol - Toast Control - 1.8.1
topaddons - TOP Addons - 1.12.2-1.13.0
torchmaster - TorchMaster -
unloader - Unloader - 1.1.0
universalmodifiers - Universal Modifiers - 1.12.2-
wanionlib - WanionLib - 1.12.2-2.9
woot - Woot - 1.12.2-1.4.11
xlfoodmod - XL Food Mod - 1.12.2-1.9.2
xnet - XNet - 1.8.2
ynot - YNot - 0.2.4
immersiveintelligence - Immersive Intelligence - 0.2.1
phosphor-lighting - Phosphor Lighting Engine - 1.12.2-
armoryexpansion-conarm - Armory Expansion - Construct's Armory - 2.0.0-alpha
librarianliblate - LibrarianLib Stage 2 - 4.22
mysticallib - Mystical Lib - 1.12.2-1.13.0
teslacorelib_registries - Tesla Core Lib Registries - 1.0.18
unidict - UniDict - 1.12.2-3.0.10
wrapup - WrapUp - 1.12-1.1.3

Log File

profiler with nothirium:


Meldexun commented 2 years ago

You are memory bottlenecked. You have not enough free memory and thus the GC has to run often.

freopt commented 2 years ago

still happens with 10GB allocated

Meldexun commented 2 years ago Can you replicate the issue with these debug version? Please test at least 30 secs ingame. After that you only have to send me the latest log.

freopt commented 2 years ago


Meldexun commented 2 years ago

Oh and are you able to reproduce this with only nothirium installed?

freopt commented 2 years ago

Cannot reproduce with nothirium and dependencies only

Meldexun commented 2 years ago

What GPU are you using exactly? The GTX 1060 6GB or GTX 1060 3GB? Also what CPU are you using? And you check your VRAM usage (You can use something like MSI Afterburner to do this)?

freopt commented 2 years ago

6GB GPU, CPU is Intel i7-8750H @ 220GHz GPU memory usage is pretty consistently around 1GB with or without nothirium

Meldexun commented 2 years ago

It works with Nothirium alone. There is no hardware bottleneck. So it sounds like an incompatibility with another mod to me. Please test if you can find a combination of mods with which you are able to reproduce the problem.

freopt commented 2 years ago

Stuttering is significantly decreased if fog is set to Fast instead of Off or Fancy in optifine settings

Meldexun commented 2 years ago

Setting fog to fast or fancy just increases the fog density and thus less chunks will be rendered. So this has nothing to do with your issue.

freopt commented 2 years ago

Pretty sure my issue was caused by #6 as after updating to newest Nothirium everything is fine