Meliksahcaliskan / Learning-Management-System

This repository will be used for the Learning Management System project of the CopyWorks team under the CSE343 Software Engineering course.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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UTF-8 problem in PostgreSQL at attendance table - comment column #11

Closed Batuminien closed 3 days ago

Batuminien commented 3 days ago

There is a problem with Turkish characters not being supported.

Haruncakir commented 3 days ago

UTF-8 supports turkish characters and also the database uses UTF-8 encoding:

lsm_database=# SELECT datname, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) AS encoding
lsm_database-# FROM pg_database
lsm_database-# WHERE datname = 'lsm_database';
   datname    | encoding
 lsm_database | UTF8
(1 row)

But made some changes in the filter but I don't know if it works, better try it out. (Also modify .env file SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL: ...?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8)