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solid-mkcontainer functionality #14

Open phochste opened 2 years ago

phochste commented 2 years ago

Replicate a mkdir alike command for Solid

solid-mkcontainer [options] resourceName


--p Make intermediate resources too (e.g. mkcontainer My/Deep/Nested/Structure) --inbox Turn the final container in the path into an LDN inbox (e.g. add the right ACL-s to Structure)

Dexagod commented 2 years ago

This has been added through the mkdir command.

The making of intermediate resources happens automatically (It would be extra work to try and discover if it is an immediate child or not, and i feel that this extra work is not necessary, correct me if I', wrong) :)

The --inbox flag is indeed a nice addition that is currently not implemented. This would require the updating of the profile with the appropriate link. It would have to fail if an inbox is already defined on the profile (or in the header)