MelonSpeedruns / BotwRandomizer

GNU General Public License v3.0
56 stars 15 forks source link

Costumes seem to have a minor issue #7

Closed RevanXVIV closed 2 years ago

RevanXVIV commented 2 years ago

Ok so I've played this for about 8 hours today, and one thing I noticed was that Helmets, torsos, and pants only came from "clothing chests" instead of any chest. Is this intentional or a bug?

MelonSpeedruns commented 2 years ago

It is intentional yes!

RevanXVIV commented 2 years ago

Any chance for an option in a future update to have it where costume pieces can be anywhere? It'd make the game a little more interesting rather than just constantly getting arrow bundles or gems.

MelonSpeedruns commented 2 years ago

A "Everything is completely random" option could definitely be added later down the line.