MeltyPlayer / FinModelUtility

Model viewer and command-line tools for extracting models from various GCN/3DS/PC games en-masse.
GNU General Public License v3.0
89 stars 9 forks source link

Unhandled Exception #10

Closed TheAugoosetus closed 1 year ago

TheAugoosetus commented 1 year ago

Hello! I'm relatively new to all of this, so I could have made a mistake, but I downloaded the code from the main page as instructed, converted my Pikmin 2's .nkit.iso to an .iso format, put it in the /roms folder, and renamed it to pikmin_2.gcm. When I ran rip_pikmin_2, this is what it told me.

C:\Users\okaug\Desktop\Pikmin PIA\Tools\Fin Model Utility\cli>tools\universal_model_extractor\universal_model_extractor.exe pikmin_2 Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Expected to find file: 'pikmin_2.gcm' in directory 'C:\Users\okaug\Desktop\Pikmin PIA\Tools\Fin Model Utility\cli\roms' at path) at relativePath, Boolean assert) at assert) at[T](IFileBundleGatherer1 gatherer, IModelLoader1 loader) at at uni.cli.Cli.<>c.

b__013(Pikmin2Options ) at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.WithParsed[T](ParserResult1 result, Action1 action) at uni.cli.Cli.Main(String[] args).

When I ran launch_ui instead, it opened the universal model extractor program and my command prompt, which read C:\Users\okaug\Desktop\Pikmin PIA\Tools\FinModelUtility-main\cli>tools\universal_model_extractor\universal_model_extractor.exe ui

It stayed like this for about twenty minutes before I had to go somewhere and I shut off my computer.

EDIT: Today, I noticed that there was an update on the github main page for this project, so I deleted my previous copy, reinstalled the program, and I moved my Pikmin 2 rom to the /roms folder. In it, the README said to name the file pkmn2.gcm instead of pikmin_2.gcm, which I have done and am currently in the same wait cycle mentioned above from running lauch_ui. I will update this when/if there is a change.

TheAugoosetus commented 1 year ago

Additionally, the README in the \roms folder states that Pikmin 2 is the only supported game and says to name Pikmin 2 as pkmn2.gcm, but the README in the \FinModelUtility-main folder states that Double Dash, Sunshine, Battalion Wars, and more are all supported and to name Pikmin 2 as pikmin_2.gcm

TheAugoosetus commented 1 year ago

Three hours later, this is all that has changed. IMG_1605

TheAugoosetus commented 1 year ago

Hello, all! I talked with MeltyPlayer, and we found the issue! I simply didn't have file extensions shown, so when I was naming the file pikmin_2.gcm, I was really naming it pikmin_2.gcm.iso. While embarrassing, I'll leave this up in case anyone else has the same issue that I did.