MeltyPlayer / FinModelUtility

Model viewer and command-line tools for extracting models from various GCN/3DS/PC games en-masse.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update error messaging when the ROM is not found. #7

Closed aconeishone closed 1 year ago

aconeishone commented 1 year ago

console thing says this when trying to rip pikmin 2 stuff

C:\Users\calvi\Documents\pikmin2hacking\FinModelUtility-main\FinModelUtility-main\cli>tools\universal_model_extractor\universal_model_extractor.exe pikmin_2 Unhandled exception. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at[T](IFileBundleGatherer1 gatherer, IModelLoader1 loader) at at uni.cli.Cli.<>c.

b__013(Pikmin2Options ) at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.WithParsed[T](ParserResult1 result, Action1 action) at uni.cli.Cli.Main(String[] args)

C:\Users\calvi\Documents\pikmin2hacking\FinModelUtility-main\FinModelUtility-main\cli>pause Press any key to continue . . .

How to fix??? Why do these things never work ughh

aconeishone commented 1 year ago

Wait never mind it's working now, I changed the name to pkmn2.gcm like it said, but turns out it had to be "pikmin_2.gcm" yall should really fix that kinda confusing

MeltyPlayer commented 1 year ago

Sorry you ran into this issue. As I said in the README, the name needs to be exactly right--I can look into making this a bit clearer in the error messaging.

MeltyPlayer commented 1 year ago

I improved the error messaging here in, so it should be clearer if folks run into this issue in the future. Thanks for reporting this!