MelyCosti / Genesis-Eve

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V1 Feature Request Friends tag coloured by radar/minimap #283

Closed TorricRodas closed 2 years ago

TorricRodas commented 2 years ago

This is gaining traction. so I've put it as v1, but if not possible, bump it to a different one.

(Genesis Test 433): Hello (Genesis Test 433): any hopes to have the friends' tag colored by radar or minimap?

Keymosabi Resident BOT — Today at 09:36 They have not done it yet Im patiently waiting for the name tag to be couloured not being over ridden by friend status

MelyCosti commented 2 years ago

[3:33] Keymosabi: Hello. I see there was an update and the date says Saturday October 8 . It says the friend name tag color on mini map was fixed. It was arleady funcioning on the mini map. I don't know if its not being said correctly. The problem is not on the minimap. It is on the tag itself of the avatar. If friend.. it does not change to the marked color.

[3:36] Keymosabi: the only one that it worked on was a non friend.

MelyCosti commented 2 years ago

[21:47] Keymosabi Resident: there seemed to be an new uptate on sunday afthe the one on the 8th. It now works. It is perfect now. Thank you.