id = "loki_armor_attribute",
display_name = "洛基的铠甲",
description = "受到10次攻击后, 增加2" .. Api.GameMechanicTags.TAG.heal,
icon = DCEI.Texture("loki_armor"),
display_type = Api.DisplayType.Integer,
is_neutral = true, -- if true, font color will always be white
flavor_text = "This is flavor text for a custom quest attribute",
display_requirements = {
is_hero = true, -- only show for hero
default_value = 0,
max = 10 -- for visual only, you need to keep current value <= max
按照案例做的,案例可以生效,但mod就会出错.... 附mod文件和日志 Rance Mod.zip Player.log
Api:RegisterAttribute({ id = "loki_armor_attribute", display_name = "洛基的铠甲", description = "受到10 次攻击后, 增加2 " .. Api.GameMechanicTags.TAG.heal,
icon = DCEI.Texture("loki_armor"),
display_type = Api.DisplayType.Integer,
is_neutral = true, -- if true, font color will always be white
flavor_text = "This is flavor text for a custom quest attribute",
display_requirements = {
is_hero = true, -- only show for hero
default_value = 0,
max = 10 -- for visual only, you need to keep current value <= max