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Template Cards #22

Open xiningchen opened 6 years ago

xiningchen commented 6 years ago

If I remember correctly, we decided to use the meme cards to hold templates as well. Now that I think about it, I think they should be different... It doesn't make sense to me to upvote/downvote a template... There can be good/bad memes from the same template. Rather I think template should have a popularity count that is independent of user votes and based on the frequency of use. What do you guys think?

Step7750 commented 6 years ago

I think we just shouldn't show voting if it is a template. It can just be toggled through input binding of the parent component.

xiningchen commented 6 years ago

Do templates have authors? (I don't think they should... Technically they're pictures stolen from other sources...)

Step7750 commented 6 years ago

That's a good point... I think we'd still want to store who created it but just not display it. I think the template author should still have the rights to delete it though.

xiningchen commented 6 years ago

Ok then my question is:

Step7750 commented 6 years ago

Hmm, I think the biggest issue is someone who uploaded a generic and widely used template and proceeds to delete it after it was used heavily for malicious reasons.

In your example, you wouldn't have an issue since when you click on the template at first, it loads the entire state of it onto your canvas and saves the state locally. Once the user deletes their template, you can still upload the state of your saved canvas meme since it is really just an image. If your client didn't know that the template was deleted and still sends the template ID along with the request for indexing purposes, the server can just ignore it.

Step7750 commented 6 years ago

Maybe one solution is that once the template has been used at least once by a different user to make a meme, you can no longer delete it. That allows the original user to still delete templates that were made by mistake.

xiningchen commented 6 years ago

@ your first comment a): I don't think that's something someone can control. Once a meme is created, it becomes an image and gets uploaded to imgur... Even if you delete template at that point the malicious stuff still remains. I think that's a completely different problem. @ your first comment b): ooh, I didn't know it saves the template locally once you click on it. Does it save only 1 at a time? I.e:// here's a slight alteration:

@ your second comment: Mmmm... I don't think that will be useful because I kind of agree with Clayton. No one would just upload a template and not make a meme... So if they make a meme themselves, that disables their ability to delete their template.

What if ppl can delete their template if no one is CURRENTLY using it. If people are currently using it, then the deleter will see a number that indicates how many ppl are using it and the delete button will be disabled. But when the template falls "out of popularity" and no one is actually using the template anymore, then the user can delete the template if they wish.

Step7750 commented 6 years ago

For the slight alteration: She wouldn't be able to find it since we don't have undo functionality and cannot recover the state after it has been overwritten. (undo would be a nice to have though...)

It would only become undeletable once a different user creates a meme from it. So them making a meme from their own template wouldn't restrict their ability to delete it.

What defines "currently using it" though? That seems like a metric that is very subjective.

xiningchen commented 6 years ago

Currently using means the template is used in meme creation mode. I don't quite understand how it's subjective.

Step7750 commented 6 years ago

As in, someone is actively creating a meme from it? What if they close their browser and decide to come back in a week to continue finishing their meme?

xiningchen commented 6 years ago

They are still currently using it. This just basically allows users to remove templates when they become out of popularity and no one is actually using that template anymore.