MemePlace / Frontend

Frontend Repo
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Feature/meme creator #78

Closed ClaytonVis closed 6 years ago

ClaytonVis commented 6 years ago

This should have the previous merge revert sorted out!

This branch got carried away and is actually the majority of the meme creation center. There is still a bit I need to do:

The following two will not make the deadline, but are major issues nonetheless:

Another issue which I'd like some input on, is where we are placing the button to go to the meme creation page (also what to label the button). I currently have it in the SideNav labelled 'Creation Center', but I'm sure someone has better design instincts than myself (@xiningchen I feel like you're the best at this kinda stuff)

P.s. @Step7750 I don't know why Travis CI won't build successfully, I don't know how else to import fabric. This is probably something that needs to be addressed though.

Step7750 commented 6 years ago

We should only display the meme creation and community creation buttons if the user is logged in