Memnarch / Delphinus

An alternative Packagemanager for the Delphi-IDE
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Fixes in package details #41

Closed Pawe1 closed 5 years ago

Pawe1 commented 7 years ago

No more 'null' in description. Also fixed bug with invisible TLabel text when package description was long. Added ellipsis for case when license name is too long to display.

I hope VCL in older Delphi versions supports TLabel.EllipsisPosition property...

Memnarch commented 7 years ago

Ellipsis is available in XE(that is the MinVersion to support) but stringhelpers are from XE8 and newer ;) A simple if trim(X) = '' then is enough here. (Strings can't be null anyway)

Pawe1 commented 7 years ago

By "null" i meant that when description is empty this line LPackage.Description := AItem.GetValue('description').Value; evaluates to 'null' and it just looks strange... I had this in XE10.1 & XE 10.2

String helpers => oh... I have used this at XE7, but this can be replaced with code You have entered :)

Memnarch commented 7 years ago

With "Null" i meant IsNullOrWhiteSpace. Everytime i read this Bullshit, i want to hit a RTL-Developer very hard for C&P without using their brain -.-

Pawe1 commented 7 years ago

Yup... Naming of s some RTL elements is really far from being cohesive. There are really modern pieces... and some that look like nobody touched them since D4 / D7... Entropy FTW :stuck_out_tongue:

Pawe1 commented 7 years ago

I don't insist that lbDescription should display package name, but for me displaying big null is a bug, not a feature 😉

Memnarch commented 7 years ago

But i insist on removing the stringhelper :P And yes, maybe just make the description empty. i'd favor that(and it removes the extra condition in the frame :P)

Pawe1 commented 7 years ago

I removed TStringHelper references but left description conditional. IMHO empty space there in some packages would look strange...

Memnarch commented 7 years ago

looks better, i'Ll rebase it tomorrow

Pawe1 commented 7 years ago

You don't like merges, don't You? xD Sorry - I'm not in the "rebase team" :P Also in every company I have worked yet the official workflow avoided rebasing xD

Memnarch commented 7 years ago

as long as it is a single commit, i simply rebase. Otherwhise single commits end up as 2(commit + mergecommit) in Histories. Since Githubs timeline is pretty basic you don't see it. But in any proper Desktop-Tool it can become a nightmare to read :P

Pawe1 commented 7 years ago

It's a Git-Hero xD xD xD


Memnarch commented 7 years ago

Horrible isn't it? :D