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4/30 Progress Check P3 #12

Open paravsalaniwal opened 2 weeks ago

paravsalaniwal commented 2 weeks ago
Member Completed work Work to do
Tanay Internship folder in backend with functioning endpoints Role based access control
Colin - -
Soham Grade frontend and using Colin's frontend, there is database integration Make file visible when grading
Varalu Compeleted merging everything into the backend, Calendar APIs completed Complete full relational calendar implementation, include roles and packaging with JWT (talk with Parav). Assist with frontend development
Shaurya - -
Parav - -
Paaras - -
Aniket Message ui revamp, message api file upload api
Mati AI chatbot feature -
Orlando Rewrite message api from the ground up and get websockets demo up refine old UI and implement websockst to main
akshat122805 commented 2 weeks ago

CSA Notes

  1. Jobify: A website where employers, students, and teachers can communicate with each other. Helps students find jobs and internships.


  1. Chat app feature, Mati has built, and the chat app is pivotal for this opertional venture that encapsulates students with their respective career oppurtunities

  2. Chat demo is good and works, they are making real time progress by adding more features like intersectional calendars between the student and teachers and employers, as well as direct messaging.


  1. Could work on presentation layout and reshearsal could have been done better

  2. In my opinion, some feature are also lacking which could have been used to enhance this presentation

rohinsood commented 2 weeks ago




VishnuAravind12 commented 2 weeks ago




h4seeb-cmd commented 2 weeks ago



Overall thoughts

Honestly, this project has potential, but it needs a lot more time in the oven to really be anything complete. I think by the end of hte trimester, this can be something nice.

Henerystone commented 2 weeks ago
EdwinKuttappi commented 2 weeks ago

Notes on Presentation: It seems to be a project that helps people to find jobs easier. First feature that I saw was one with a chatbot, which did take some time, but most chatbots with these APIs usually do take a lot of time. I found that their AI model was pretty good and it was really cool that you could change it from a bird to a cowboy. This project is also something similar to our project does which is the resume builder.

Glows: The features were all really good, especially with the chatbot Communication feature was really cool as well as the communication with more than 1 user

Grows: Features could look a little better Presentation could be more refined which I'm sure will not be a problem

VINERAJ commented 2 weeks ago




DasMoge124 commented 2 weeks ago



jm1021 commented 2 weeks ago

Rapping Directors led off in 1st with a Mati feature and it worked, 3rd period tried same lead and it failed. After these leads we had confusion on who is sharing what. 3rd period spent a lot of time on blogging plans which was good, but did not relate it to running code.

This is really hard to provide Glows, Grows as presentation and information on this review ticket show lack of preparation. It seems like you did not plan for this event. This team does not appear to generate energy and plans to succeed.