Mendeley / openoffice-plugin

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Mendeley Plugin for WPS Office #20

Open nmfzone opened 8 years ago

nmfzone commented 8 years ago

Can we have Mendeley plugin for WPS Office?

Would be nice if mendeley can also integrate with WPS Office.


sqripter commented 7 years ago

WPS is well on its way to become the de facto Office alternative chiefly because it has not compatibility issues with Microsoft office.

I too request for the development of a Mendeley plugin!!!

nmfzone commented 7 years ago

As a Student who support OpenSource, I hope it can be done. I need your help. @SteveRidout @cpina

arynas commented 7 years ago

I also need Mendeley Plugin in WPS Office.

RealNapster commented 7 years ago

It would be nice, if you could make this available for WPS Office and LaTeX :+1:

lduvaux commented 7 years ago

That would be a great add for all Linux users as WPS is much more compatible with Words than Libreoffice.

azharrafiq commented 7 years ago

me too!!!

jacobslewis commented 7 years ago

Absolutely - I would love to see Mendeley integrate with WPS.

dwijonarko commented 7 years ago

It would be great tools...

superDross commented 7 years ago

This would be extremely useful! I'm sick of using libreoffice.

carlosfamilia commented 7 years ago

I vote in favor of this motion!

T4mmi commented 7 years ago


I'm trying to get rid of MS Office (however openoffice is soo ugly), but without reference manager i'll stick to it.

marcioBigolin commented 6 years ago

I vote in favor of this motion!

Marz6759 commented 6 years ago


kembara commented 6 years ago

yeah, i need to.. about mendeley plugin on WPS Office.

rafaelrib commented 6 years ago

I need it. WPS is great, I'll just use this once I have a plugin for this.

restureese commented 6 years ago

I need too

FaddliLWibowo commented 6 years ago

I need too, please...

handmade-it commented 6 years ago

Hi, this is still an issue. WPS is de facto the only office tool that one could use to work an documents between windows (word) and linux systems. Please consider this!

cpina commented 6 years ago

Hi - sorry for not answering this issue for long time...

Doing it doesn't depend on me but I had a quick look and I haven't seen the possibility to build plugins for WPS. A universal "rtf" plugin could be done (like RTF Scan that I think Zotero used to have), but I'm curious if anyone is using WPS with some other plugin? Thanks.

jmonroynieto commented 6 years ago

I have just recently started using WPS and Linux and I did not like LibreOffice. The only thing that I have seen as an issue is having to work around not having Mendeley integration. I hope this can become true!

valaruko1 commented 6 years ago

It would be just perfect to have a WPS plugin ... i would be able to finally discard Libreoffice

dokuboyejo commented 6 years ago

Highly needed....

marcosbat commented 6 years ago

WPS is a great option to MS office in linux. It would be great if Mendeley have a WPS plugin!!

Rabcan commented 6 years ago

I am partly user of Linux. WPS office is great and cool office tool for students and scientists. Please, give to us Mendeley plugin for WPS...

Bojack-the-horse commented 6 years ago

I love WPS but lack of support for citation management tools like Mendeley keeps pulling me back to Libre Office.

andresimi commented 6 years ago

Hi @cpina. I think OnlyOffice is a great alternative to WPS, has good compatibility with word, is opensource, and works with plugins.

wphu commented 5 years ago

NoteExpress support WPS, I am thinking swich to NoteExpress.

fperdigon commented 5 years ago

I vote in favor of this motion!

cfgobel commented 5 years ago

me too

robca402 commented 5 years ago

I would love this feature as well please!

rfriedman22 commented 5 years ago

I also would like to have a Mendeley plugin for WPS.

ivanansia commented 5 years ago

please do

rameshbalan commented 5 years ago

I vote for mendeley plugin for WPS

ping543f commented 5 years ago

Please add this option

nazar2sfive commented 5 years ago

yes please do

jianshu93 commented 5 years ago

Linux user call for mendeley plug-in in WPS

boping commented 4 years ago


otnansirk commented 4 years ago

Me too, I need the Mendeley plugin for WPS

NFernandes86 commented 4 years ago

Please, do it. Mendeley is indispensible for researchers and students

arembis commented 4 years ago

Please do it....a linux user

Azamatuz commented 4 years ago


triggid commented 4 years ago

3.5+ years and still no. C'mon dev...

liuyigh commented 4 years ago


kongdd commented 4 years ago

need wps too on linux

baradhili commented 4 years ago

I would switch to mendeley from zotero if they had a wps plugin

antonellosalis commented 4 years ago


satanalcool commented 4 years ago

+1 Please consider it. Mendeley is indispensable for researchers and students

liuyigh commented 4 years ago

switched to Zotero. Bye bye Mendeley. tired of 1) buggy mac plugin for years 2) no WPS plugin 3) unfriendly database format to prevent export to other software.

satanalcool commented 4 years ago

How can I link zotero to WPS?

filipegomes commented 4 years ago

we really need this! +1