MengeCrowdSim / Menge

The source code for the Menge crowd simulation framework
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Input files for MengeUtils: and #126

Open AdriannaGmz opened 5 years ago

AdriannaGmz commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to input an obj file (exported from Blender) into and as I have interest in comparing this scenario implemented as roadmap and as a navmesh (independently of course). I've tried to input this scenario to the scripts in several ways, i.e. with the objects as solids, and also, with the objects as flat figures.. but in either case, none of the scripts accepts it as a valid file, stating a Zero Division Error:

zero division error

The scenario is not very complicated, here is how it looks in Blender when flattened out and aligned to z=0 :


Here is a gist to the flattened obj file and the file with the volumetric pieces. you can see that in the flat version, I reduced the elements as I wanted to debug where the problem was.. but still can not find why I keep getting the zero division error... everything is aligned to z=0

I'm first testing out with and when the roadmap is succesfully obtained, I'd like to move on to the

your help will be very much appreciated

curds01 commented 5 years ago

I believe I just answered this in the other issue (#119). See this comment.