MengeCrowdSim / Menge

The source code for the Menge crowd simulation framework
Apache License 2.0
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Menge in Visual Studio 2022 #163

Open GitWob opened 9 months ago

GitWob commented 9 months ago

Dear Menge team,

I wanted to build Menge in Visual Studio 2022, and found retargeting the solution to be a little different. Opening the VS2017 solution (or any older one) pops-up this retargeting prompt, and crashes Visual Studio.

Here is an image of that pop-up. It always goes to Not Responding before I can interact with it. image

Without the ability to open the solution, I can't effectively look at the properties or adjust them with VS.

Despite this, I was able to build Menge in two ways: First, I went directly to all the vcxproj files (except Sample.vcxproj because it was targeting 8.1) and changed <WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>10.0.17763.0</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion> to <WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>10.0.22621.0</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>

With this change, I was able to build and run Menge and use the samples.

Then I decided to get Windows 10 SDK, version 1809 (10.0.17763.0), which was the original target of the project files. After installing it, I was again able to build Menge (I changed all the target platform versions back to 10.0.17763.0 before doing this).

So I know it can build and run, but when I go to open the solution, I still get the same retargeting pop-up, and VS becomes unresponsive.

I'm interested if this is a Visual Studio problem or a Me problem. Can someone else try to build it on VS2022, and see if they get a crash? I will keep looking into it, and see if there's any other settings I can change to make the crash stop.

Thanks so much!

GitWob commented 9 months ago

Update on this: I am able to suppress the pop-up by putting <VCProjectUpgraderObjectName>NoUpgrade</VCProjectUpgraderObjectName> inside the <PropertyGroup Label="Globals"> tags. (see this post: Review Solution Actions: Retarget Projects - how to suppress it?)

Visual Studio still crashes trying to open the solution. So I think the pop-up is not the root of the problem.