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M II.1.1.1 Identification and compilation of (global) data sets #1

Open Menkli opened 2 years ago

Menkli commented 2 years ago

Development of a data harvesting strategy, including the identification of global data sets to exploit the full potential of freely available big data for humanitarian applications.

Menkli commented 2 years ago

Part of: WPII.1.: Geospatial data assimilation toolbox
Aim: Development of a reliable data assimilation strategy that allows the assessment of complex problems in the humanitarian field, that cannot be directly measured or described by single indicators, but rather need more combined, harmonized information of different data sources.

Specific Objective (SO) II.1.: Finding a robust strategy to combine validated data of different sources with meaningful analysis into aggregated and spatially explicit results including the following steps:
(1) Data harvesting (collection, interfaces to data portals)
(2) Quality control
(3) Data analysis (spatial analyses, interpolation)
(4) Data aggregation (harmonization, normalization, statistical analyses, weighting, aggregation) and
(5) Spatial regionalization and
(6) Validation

Research Questions (RQ) II.1.: